Anonymous ID: c66765 Jan. 12, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.12482497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3112


I’m convinced that there is no way POTUS will not be President for four more years, or whatever form it may take.


The reasoning is that will certainly create severe depression and death of millions of Trump supporters, because he’s been the only hope we’ve had in a century to return to God and love America. but after the depression that set in, it then becomes anger, then comes war because Biden and DS subverted the will of the people. And they will kill us.


Patriots will not stand for POTUS not being President again. If they think anyone will acknowledge Biden as President they are insane. And before they eliminate all of us, we will eliminate them. Social media and the media will not be missed. We will take down the companies that engaged in deplatforming.


And finally this would be the ultimate betrayal by POTUS andHE will never betray us. He doesn’t lose and neither will we!


There’s no going back to normal again, we accepted but detested O, but this is so much worse. This would spell the end if our country and that’s never going to happen.So any doubting the plan, there’s no going back, we will only have victory and POTUS will be our president for another 4 years.