immediately get a list, world wide, of all heart recipients and test the dna of the heart to see.
OR this is fear porn bullshit?
I think it's fear porn but I don't know.
the servers kick out the users on the hour.
you need to reset your router and modem to remove the effect.
I haven't done a check to see if it only happens if I post, because I'd have to wait an hour between hickups.
but basic point: some say change to local DNS, which is a bad option in some sense.
a better option would be if you use DNS to set up a libvert node, with a local DNS and run through that.
If you don't know what I mean than don't try to do that.
so you do what they want you to do.
the betrayal is all simulated.
they've been hazing us since they took over this place months and months ago.
It's dawned on me that the story of Braveheart is being played out here.
just keep telling them they need to see us as individuals.
if you do nothing wrong it's they who are the ones who have the need to be handled by whoever would be so bold.
if you make benign political statements and someone else censors you saying 'this will incite violence' they are the violent ones, in their thoughts and in their assumptions.
carry on, but lose the hate.
a man of exceptionally violent assumptions, who only thinks of people as lesser.
he's a tool
the other term for him, used in Air Force circles, is 'Weenie'
Q linked this one guy last year, his twitter.
I'm one for a happy strong young man who is forward and good in hsi appearance. So from time to time I'd just go to see his cheery vissage.
well now the page is gone.
The guy sells apps.
how is he gonna maintain his client lists?
just because he's a supporter of Trump and posted, from time to time, about Q.
He was famously shown in a shirt that said '
"Keep Calm and . . . . " the rest you will fill in because you know what it said
Sometiems, too, which is why I think of him, is he may have been the one who called, one day, Q a 'new fag' when Q was testing the ability to post from mulitple devices.
I say this becaseu his graphics matched up that he was posting at the time to what was posted here when that happened.
anyway, buddy, you got someone who says 'Godspeed' to you.
Maybe I'll never hear about him again.
there is no we here donk