Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:28 a.m. No.12483179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481 >>3794 >>3854

Insitu Inc. to Pay $25 Million to Settle False Claims Act Case Alleging Knowing Overcharges on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Contracts

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:29 a.m. No.12483198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3302 >>3319 >>3481 >>3794 >>3854

Bongino hits back. Rumble sues Google for allegedly rigging search results


Google Sued By YouTube Rival Over Search Rankings


Video-sharing site Rumble, citing a Wall Street Journal investigation, alleges Google diverted traffic away from it toward YouTube

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:30 a.m. No.12483212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Left-Wing Billionaires Turn to For-Profit Corporations For Giving


Move allows them to avoid disclosures associated with non-profit organizations


Liberal billionaire donors are exploiting a new way of funneling millions of dollars to left-wing political groups.


In 2015, Facebook founder and Democratic donor Mark Zuckerberg set up a limited liability corporation and moved millions of untraceable dollars to leftist groups. Under the LLC format, he may legally spend unlimited sums in support of Democratic politicians, lobbying groups pushing for radical policies, and far-left activists who advocate for "reforms" that hurt election integrity.


This marks a radical departure from most megadonors’ use of tax-exempt nonprofits to fund political groups by side-stepping the IRS disclosure requirements and the ban on election intervention faced by foundations.


The benefit to Zuckerberg is clear: maximize political spending and minimize public scrutiny, in exchange for forgoing a foundation’s tax exemption. And other ultra-liberal billionaires are following suit, a trend that's created a black hole for watchdog groups.


Zuckerberg's LLC, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), is on track to become one of the largest left-wing funders in America, with Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, vowing to donate 99 percent of their stock in Facebook (worth $45 billion in 2015).


CZI has already routed tens of millions of dollars into voter registration nonprofits and ballot initiatives focused on shifting low-income housing policy in California and other states., a group Zuckerberg founded in 2013 to lobby for "criminal justice reform and immigration" policies, has received at least $62 million from CZI since 2018.


CZI has also funneled millions of dollars to immigration advocacy groups including over $1 million to the National Immigration Forum, $550,000 to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, $200,000 to the American Immigration Council, and $150,000 to the Black Alliance for Just Immigration.


Other ultraliberal donors such as eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of the late tech mogul Steve Jobs, have also adopted the donation model.


According to OpenSecrets, the Omidyar Network spent $451,000 in 2016 in independent expenditures and over $18,000 for Democrats in 2020. It also spent at least $60,000 lobbying Congress last year to introduce paid sick leave and other policies. Omidyar Network employees such as Chris Jurgens, director of the group's "Reimagining Capitalism" team, also spent heavily in favor of Democrats in the 2019-2020 election cycle.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:31 a.m. No.12483228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481 >>3794 >>3854


Pentagon held table-top contingency response exercise on morning of Capitol breach==


The exercise was held at the request of top officials, according to a Pentagon memo.


Pentagon officials held a table-top planning exercise the morning of Jan. 6 to rehearse how the Defense Department might respond to events that day in Washington, D.C., defense officials confirmed. The exercise was held some two hours before Capitol Police ordered the evacuation of the besieged U.S. Capitol complex.


"The table-top was requested by the highest levels inside the Department of Defense," one official said. "The two top guys — Miller and Milley — were part of this." The comment references acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.


Table-top exercises are widely used within the U.S. military and other organizations to simulate emergency situations, and to assign roles and look for gaps in plans and procedures.


The Jan. 6 exercise was held after Miller and Milley examined the Defense Department's plan to support local law enforcement agencies, according to a Pentagon memo.


Miller and Milley requested the exercise at 8:30 a.m., according to a memorandum from Miller's executive secretary, Navy Capt. David Soldow. Three hours later, the exercise commenced.


"1130: [Miller] participates in table-top exercise regarding DoD contingency response options," Soldow wrote in the memo bearing a date with the typographical error of Jan. 00.


Neither the Pentagon official nor Soldow revealed specific details about the exercise. But, the official noted: "You don't need a table-top to see that things went downhill fast."


In the wake of the Capitol siege that resulted in death, injury, arrests, and destruction of property, blame has been cast at various agencies and officials for failing to prevent and repel the violent assault. Steven Sund, who resigned as chief of the Capitol Police shortly after the Capitol breach, has said that his pleas for backup were rebuffed by House and Senate security officials and a Pentagon commander.


"If we would have had the National Guard, we could have held them at bay longer, until more officers from our partner agencies could arrive," Sund told the Washington Post.


But in the days leading up to Jan. 6, Soldow wrote, Sund's agency twice said it did not need help from the National Guard.


On Jan. 3, "DoD confirms with U.S. Capitol Police that there is no request for support," Soldow wrote. On Jan. 4, he added, Capitol Police "confirms there is no requirement for DoD support in a phone call with [Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy]."

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.12483250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3303

U.S. Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Details Of Biden Family’s Corruption Scandal


On January 11th, the United States Treasury sanctioned several Ukrainian individuals and media for revealing corruption in the Ukrainian government and against US President-elect Joe Biden and his son Hunter.


These were accused of being “Russia-linked actors” and they were simply doing Moscow’s bidding, by revealing the truth.


“Russian disinformation campaigns targeting American citizens are a threat to our democracy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.


The U.S. Treasury Department accused the seven individuals and four entities of involvement in a Russia-linked foreign influence network associated with Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach. The pro-Russian lawmaker was hit with sanctions by the U.S. government in September over accusations he tried to interfere in the 2020 U.S. election won by Biden.


The action freezes any U.S. assets of those blacklisted and generally bars Americans from doing business with them.


Individuals who were sanctioned:


Alexander Dubinsky;

Dmitry Kovalchuk;

Konstantin Kulik;

Alexander Onishchenko;

Anton Symonenko;

Andrey Telizhenko;

Petr Zhuravel.


Media which was targeted with sanctions:


“Era-Media” (belongs to Andriy Derkach);

Information agency Only News;

Resource NabuLeaks;

“Skeptic” / “Behemoth Media”.


Andriy Derkach was first to be sanctioned back in September 2020.


Since the spring, he published several audio recordings in which President Petro Poroshenko listened to directives from Obama’s deputy Joe Biden, who was in charge of Ukraine at the time.


Their voices were recorded from Poroshenko’s office, who spoke to Biden over the speakerphone. The vice-president demanded that Poroshenko remove Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in exchange for a billion loan from the IMF and made a hack for sending saboteurs to Crimea.


The President of Ukraine boasted that he had raised utility rates even higher than the IMF demanded, asked to send a supervisor to the Prosecutor General’s Office, and approved Yuriy Lutsenko for the post of the new Prosecutor General. And much more.


Derkach also published how Pyotr Alekseevich calls Vladimir Putin a month after the battles for Debaltseve and talks to him nicely – as with an old friend.


Later, the people’s deputy published the schemes according to which Biden’s son received considerable sums in Ukraine. And he published data on how the system of corruption ties of the Democratic Party in Ukraine works. At this stage, Dubinsky, Kulik, Telizhenko and others joined the case.


That is, all Ukrainians who have come under the sanctions are those who actively spoke about the affairs of the Biden family in Ukraine and opposed external control, the US Democratic Party and its lobby in Ukraine.


After these scandals, the US Embassy was forced to deny more than once that it “externally controls” Ukraine. Which in itself was indicative – that is, this topic has acquired a very wide resonance in Ukraine.


So wide that the topic of “Derkach tapes” was forced to comment on President Vladimir Zelensky.


“About Poroshenko and Biden, yes, I heard, I’ll comment. I think this is not the last sign that Ukrainians will see. The prosecutor’s office and law enforcement agencies must respond. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine yesterday registered the criminal proceedings at the request of Deputy Derkach. They will investigate. I know that it can be perceived, qualified as high treason. All – to the law enforcement officers,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:34 a.m. No.12483260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481 >>3561 >>3794 >>3854

Trump Responds to Democrats' Desperate Last-Minute Impeachment Effort


On Tuesday, President Donald Trump left the White House for the first time since last week’s attack on the Capitol. While boarding Marine One, Trump denounced the Democrats’ last-minute effort to impeach, remove, and bar him from office.


The president condemned the impeachment effort as a “continuation of the greatest witch hunt” in history, The Washington Examiner reported.


“I think it’s causing tremendous anger,” he told reporters as he boarded the helicopter. Trump is flying south for a trip to the border in Texas to tout his work on the ball with Mexico.


On Monday, Democrats revealed their article of impeachment, accusing Trump of “incitement of insurrection.” The Democrats do seem intent on impeaching the president, despite the fact that his term in office ends on January 20, eight days from now.


On Sunday, Pelosi suggested that many House Democrats want to impeach Trump specifically to prevent him from holding office in the future.


While some of Trump’s statements during the Capitol riots were beyond the pale, the president has since condemned the rioters and promised to support a peaceful transition of power.


If the House of Representatives votes to impeach Trump, the Senate would almost certainly not remove Trump before January 20. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will not reconvene the Senate until January 19, effectively dooming impeachment while Trump is in office.


Impeaching Trump for allegedly inciting the Capitol riots would set a terrible precedent. The president never told his supporters to break into the Capitol or engage in violence. Urging people to “fight like hell” in a political speech is hardly insurrectionary. This impeachment would set a precedent that Congress could impeach a president if the majority party interprets aggressive rhetoric as incitement to violence.


It would also raise questions about Democrats’ aggressive rhetoric. Pelosi herself called for “uprisings” against the Trump administration. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) claimed that allegedly marginalized groups have “no choice but to riot.” Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris said the destructive and deadly Black Lives Matter riots of this past summer “should not” stop.


It seems likely Democrats will pass this article of impeachment and impeach Trump a second time in the twilight hours of his presidency. However, if they want to permanently disqualify Trump from public office in the future, they will have to convince two-thirds of the Senate to convict the president.


If two-thirds of the Senate convicts the president, the Senate will hold a separate vote to bar Trump from further office — that only requires a majority vote.


In either case, Trump is correct: impeaching him for supposedly inciting an insurrection will only further inflame Trump’s supporters and alienate Republicans who are hesitant to defend Trump’s statements but wary of Democratic overreach. After the Capitol riots, Big Tech has gone after conservative speakers and platforms like Parler. Republicans rightly condemned the violence in the Capitol, but it seems the Left is ready to use that violence as an excuse for a dangerous power grab.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.12483280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID Detention Camps Proposed by NY State Bill


It’s been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Now, even as lockdowns and curfews persist and the vaccine rollout continues across America, we continue to find ourselves surprised by the troubling, if not creative ways, that government officials attempt to squeeze more control out of the situation.


The latest harrowing example is a New York State-sponsored proposal that demands detention camp for anyone identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease. It’s a harrowing revelation – and would be so even if there weren’t already serious questions about the COVID-19 testing accuracy and false-positive rates.

COVID “camps” on the horizon? Disturbing details about how free citizens should be forcibly detained


The New York State Assembly bill in question is called Bill A416 and is sponsored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly, N. Nick Perry. As of January 4, 2021, the bill has been introduced to the 2021-2022 Legislative Session and is currently in front of the Assembly Health Committee.


Bill A416, in summary, “[r]elates to the removal of cases, contacts, and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to the public health.” The bill doesn’t mention COVID-19 specifically, and a similar bill was also introduced (and fell flat) during the Legislative Session of 2015-2016.


In attempts to blur the lines with pages of legalese, the bill continues:


“Upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangered by a case, contact or carrier, or suspected case, contact or carrier of a contagious disease that, in the opinion of the governor … may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health resulting in severe morbidity or high mortality, the governor or his or her delegee … may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or a group of such persons by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained.”


The bill would allow officials to:


Approve detentions unilaterally (but require a court order within 60 days of confinement)

Require detainees to submit to medical examinations and/or complete an “appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventative medication or vaccination,” which would be legally enforcible so long as officials procure a court order


NOT present in the bill are any specific timeframes, criteria, or locations for these detentions – details that, if the bill were to pass, would ultimately be left up to the discretion of the NY governor (at the moment, Governor Andrew Cuomo).

What used to be scoffed at as conspiracy theory is now creeping into American legislature – when will the insanity end?


The threat to the American citizen’s medical autonomy seems only to grow greater as the pandemic wears on. The call for the “removal and/or detention” of New York residents as well as the requirement of global “vaccine passports” are just two examples of this. Yet it seems that only months ago that concerned consumers and freer-thinkers were voicing their concerns over exactly these issues – and were simply brushed off as conspiratorial.


In a call to reject bill A416, Cody Anderson, chair of the Libertarian Party of New York, says that the bill “offers a clear and direct path to unconstitutional and indefinite detainment, on the governor’s sole authority. No U.S. state was ever meant to have a single person acting as judge and jury, without checks or balances; if this bill is allowed to pass, that is exactly what New York will have.”


He also points out, rightly so, that such a bill would amount to an “egregious privacy violation in issuing an order announcing an individual to be a health risk.”


Curfews, lockdowns, restricted mobility, forced detention: how long will the normalization of rescinded American rights continue?


If there is any lesson to take away from this past year of pandemic mania, let it be this: don’t let anyone convince you that your right to question the status quo is “just” conspiracy theorizing.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.12483296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3331 >>3426 >>3448 >>3514

Netanyahu Removed Trump Photo From His Twitter


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lost all of his love to Mr. Donald Trump and even removed his picture from own Twitter account amid the ongoing developments in the United States.


Just a few weeks ago, Netanyahu was claiming that Mr. Trump was his good friend and an important person for Israel. However, now, when Trump has not so much to do and nothing to sacrifice to promote the interests of the ‘sole democracy’ in the Middle East, he is not more needed.


As the old saying goes, there is only one step from love to hate.


So, now, Mr. Netanyahu will likely demonstrate his love to the administration of Joe Biden claiming that Israel is a very diverse and tolerant country and the oppression of Palestinians is just a part of this tolerant approach.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.12483317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ford Ceases Production at Brazilian Plants, Cutting Thousands of Jobs


Ford Motor Co. announced on Monday plans to cease all production of its automobiles in Brazil this year after being actively operating in the South American country for over a century.


“We know these are very difficult, but necessary, actions to create a healthy and sustainable business,” the U.S.-based automaker’s new Chief Executive Officer Jim Farley said in a statement. “We are moving to a lean, asset-light business model by ceasing production in Brazil,” he continued.


The production will be stopped at three plants located in Camaçari, Taubaté, and Troller, with some of the manufacturing still continuing for a few months to support inventories for aftermarket sales.


Ford spokesman T.R. Reid told reporters during a conference call the restructuring efforts and closure of the plants will impact about 5,000 jobs. As a result of the closures, the Ford models, EcoSport SUV, Ka, or T4 off-road, won’t be available anymore in the country once inventories are sold.


According to the Ford statement, the automaker will keep its South America headquarters, product development center, and proving grounds in Brazil. The Troller plant in Horizonte will also continue its production until the fourth quarter of 2021.

Epoch Times Photo

An aerial view of a Ford Motor Company factory in Sao Bernardo do Campo, in the greater Sao Paulo area, Brazil, on March 12, 2020. (Andre Penner/AP Photo, file)


Ford officials said the action was part of the $11 billion global restructurings previously forecast by the automaker, of which it had accounted for $4.2 billion through the third quarter of 2020. Ford shares closed up more than 3 percent.


Another factor in the ceasing of production in Brazil that was cited by the Michigan-based international automaker is the current CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic that has amplified the companies’ underuse of its manufacturing capacity.


The auto market and economy in Brazil has been a tough environment for years and has suffered since 2014, sinking even further amid the pandemic. The unemployment rate in the South American country is nearing 15 percent.


Industry vehicle sales fell 26 percent in Brazil last year and are not expected to rebound to 2019 levels until 2023 with an emphasis on less profitable fleet sales, Ford officials said. The closures are part of the company’s strategy to achieve 8 percent of global operating margins.


“We will work earnestly with unions, employees, and other stakeholders to develop measures to help deal with the difficult impact of this announcement,” said Lyle Watters, the president of Ford South America and the International Markets Group.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.12483362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3370 >>3481 >>3794 >>3854

Barbara Boxer Registers To Lobby For Chinese Firm Blacklisted Over Surveillance Of Uyghurs


Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer has registered as a foreign agent for Hikvision USA, the American subsidiary of a Chinese surveillance company that has been blacklisted by the U.S. government.


Boxer, a Democrat, registered the work through Mercury Public Affairs, the prominent lobbying firm that she joined as a consultant early last year.


Boxer’s registration form, filed through the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, says she will be “providing strategic counsel” to Hikvision, which produces surveillance equipment for the Chinese government and Chinese military.


The Trump administration has cracked down on investments in firms linked to the Chinese government, including Hikvision and Huawei.


The Commerce Department added Hikvision to a trade blacklist on Oct. 8, 2019, for “repression, mass arbitrary detention and high-technology surveillance” of Muslim Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang province.


Hikvision, in which the Chinese government holds a 42% stake, also produces many of the cameras used to monitor U.S. military bases, streets and homes, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal on Nov. 12, 2017.


Boxer’s work on the Hikvision account for Mercury could signal that the lobbying firm, which was founded by former Republican Rep. Vin Weber, wants to use a prominent Democrat for more of its government outreach.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.12483377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3640

US State Dept. Cancels All Trips Planned for Week Over Transition, Including Pompeo’s Europe Visit


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was previously scheduled to travel to Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday "to reaffirm the deep and enduring partnership between the United States and Belgium and the unwavering U.S. support for NATO," according to a Monday memo from the State Department.


The State Department announced Tuesday that all departmental travel, including that of Pompeo, would be canceled so officials can focus on carrying out transition work ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's assumption of office.


"We are expecting shortly a plan from the incoming administration identifying the career officials who will remain in positions of responsibility on an acting basis until the Senate confirmation process is complete for incoming officials," the State Department statement read, as reported by Reuters. "As a result, we are cancelling all planned travel this week, including the Secretary’s trip to Europe."


This development comes just a day after the office of Pompeo's spokesperson proclaimed the official would be meeting NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sophie Wilmès during his January 13-14 trip to Brussels.


"Secretary Pompeo will highlight the enduring importance of the Transatlantic partnership, champion NATO’s ongoing success in safeguarding the Transatlantic community and adapting to new security challenges, and reaffirm the strength of the bilateral relationship between the United States and Belgium," the announcement read.


The State Department's recent decision will also nix US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft's planned visit to Taipei, Taiwan, from January 13 to 15. Craft's visit was positioned to be the first time an American ambassador has visited the self-governing island since President Jimmy Carter signed the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and broke relations between the US and Taiwan.


The planned visit was condemned by Beijing, with the Chinese mission to the UN stating last week that the US "will pay a heavy price" for its "crazy provocation." The mission also emphasized that these moves are "creating new difficulties for China-US relations."


"Any actions which harm China's core interests will be met with a firm counter-attack and will not succeed," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao asserted to reporters on Monday, as reported by the BBC.


China has maintained that it views Taiwan as a breakaway province, and while the island has had its own government since 1949, the “One-China policy” states that there is only one sovereign China.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.12483409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Syria On January 12, 2021 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


On January 11, an IED blast erupted in Jarablus town;

On January 11, a series of demonstrations against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) took place in the town of al-Shaddadi. Recently, the SDF arrested several locals under for a forced conscription in its ranks;

On January 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Jurin area;

On January 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the Tal Rafaat area;

On January 12, unidentified gunmen opened fire at a car of the leader of the Syrian National Army near Akhtarin.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.12483461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anthony Migchels– Don't Count Trump Out Just Yet


It is eight days, until Inauguration. But it's hard to believe that Biden will actually get installed.


Because this obviously is a coup. It cannot be seen in any other way. And I wouldn't be surprised at all with a Trump counter coup.


And not because of Q, although Q is very important. But because Trump is the New World Order's trump card.


While the public views the Election in terms of 'Republicans' vs. 'Democrats', it's more a power struggle of an imploding Empire. The underlying trends are the death throes of the West, the American Empire, the Petrodollar, and the Financial System itself.


All four are imploding. The Fed and Trump Administration have already poured $10 Trillion into the System since September 2019, when they restarted QE after the repo market crash.


That's not a joke, that's a disaster. And it's only beginning. Not long after Inauguration, months maybe, some kind of escalation in the financial crisis is all but guaranteed.


We're at a crucial juncture, and World Power needs something special to keep America under its control, to make them do its bidding.


They can't just wheel in a moronic stooge like Biden by openly trashing a 402 Trump landslide that had basically already been broadcast on TV. The hard core of the country will consider a Biden administration totally illegitimate, and will see it as a Communist take over. Which it obviously is.


This is supposedly their Big Move, the New World Order's Endgame. This is all they've got?!


Is Trump really 'a lone gunman fighting for the People'? No. Trump has been expertly parachuted into Power by those who have done such things many times before. There are many clues. They had been seeding his presidency for years in pop-culture. But the main thing is the treatment he got from the Media: they have talked of nothing else for four years. Only 'corona' and the Lockdown have been able to compete with Trump for their attention.


And of course it looks like they're 'against' him, but if they really were, they would have ignored him, and at best mocked him. Already in 2016, it was clear that a very large part of the public, on the Right, believed little or nothing the media was telling them anymore. The Media hating on Trump was the best propaganda he could have wished for. Basic reverse psychology.


Also note how Trump, and the Media, conspire to entirely ignore the massive financial injections/crisis that are ongoing. Why would the Media not jump on the bail-outs to savage Trump? Clearly, Trump and the Media have something very important in common.


The Powers that Be need a strong American President, with the backing of the core of the People, for what is coming, and already unfolding: American demotion from hegemon to just another Great Power, massive economic depression, isolation on the International stage, and Great Power rivalry with China, which will eventually set the stage for WW3.


Also look for Trump installing the long prophesied Gold Standard. He will look like a hero, "End the Fed", and stop the terrible inflation that they have been creating. In doing so he will initiate an even much more calamitous deflation. Everything is always about the money. The Greatest Depression, with the deflation of the debt/derivative bubble, is unavoidable….




What remains of the social fabric in America will get ripped apart. The much overrated (by the Right) Police will show its true nature, and 'maintain Law and Order', evict millions, as the bottom 90%, and many of the 90/99% will get annihilated. All this will happen under Trump's watch, under his 'Making America Great Again' slogan, on the responsibility of the New World Order's key target: Middle America. Just as they previously saddled them with the responsibility for the Iraq war, and many other ignominious travesties.


November 2024 will be the next election. After four years of economic carnage, a Democrat will get elected. March 2025 will see the end of the Lockdown, according to the World Bank. By then, after four years, each worse than 2020, it will be all about World Revolution and War.'t-count-out-trump-just-yet.html

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.12483506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden, DC Protest and the Post-Corona ‘Great Reset’


In the wake of the Wednesday January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill Event, we must reflect on what a Joe Biden Administration will look like.


Joe Biden was not duly elected, he was selected. He is a groomed and “reliable” politician. He is a political instrument of the global capitalist establishment.


Biden is a firm supporter of the Corona lockdown. His statements concerning a “Dark Winter” in 2021 confirm that he not only endorses the adoption of staunch Covid-19 lockdown policies, his administration will pursue and adopt the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” as an integral part of US foreign policy, to be implemented or more correctly “imposed” Worldwide.


In turn, the Biden-Harris administration will attempt to override all forms of popular resistance to the corona virus lockdown.


We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.


What is unfolding is a new and destructive phase of US imperialism. It’s a totalitarian project of economic and social engineering, which ultimately destroys people’s lives Worldwide.


This “novel” neoliberal agenda using the corona lockdown as an instrument of social oppression has been endorsed by the leadership of the Democratic Party.


The Biden White House will be used to instate what David Rockefeller called “Global Governance”, which is tantamount to a Worldwide “democratic dictatorship”.


It should be noted that the protest movement in the US, against the lockdown is weak. In fact there is no coherent grassroots national protest movement. Why? Because “progressive forces” including leftist intellectuals, NGO leaders, trade union and labor leaders, most of which are aligned with the Democratic Party have from the outset been supportive of the lockdown. And they are also supportive of Joe Biden.


In a bitter irony, antiwar activists as well as the critics of neoliberalism have endorsed Joe Biden, who is now being accused by Trump supporters of being a “socialist”.


The following text is an excerpt from the concluding chapter of my E-Book: entitled.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:54 a.m. No.12483585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3613 >>3794 >>3854

Trump Campaign Official Denied Entry into TV Studio for Interview — Told He’s On a “List of People They Won’t Allow In”


Trump campaign advisor, Jason Miller, said on Monday that he was barred from entering a Washington DC studio for an interview with FOX Business personality Charles Payne.


LiveShots Studio in Washington DC refused him entry because he “is on a list.”


They steal an election then crush their opposition.

Where have we seen this before?


The Epoch Times reported:


Jason Miller, a Trump campaign adviser, on Monday said that he was barred from entering a Washington, D.C.-based studio for an interview with Fox Business’s Charles Payne, as he has been put on a “list.”


“Wow – the anti-Trump censorship/deplatforming is out of control,” he wrote on Twitter. “Just went to the LiveShots studio in DC to join @cvpayne on @FoxBusiness, and the LiveShots employees told me I’m not allowed to use their studios because ‘I’m on a list.’”


Miller said that when he asked what sort of list he’s on, and why the studio accepted the booking in the first place, he was told by Liveshots D.C. employees that the list was for “health reasons.”


Liveshots D.C. is located across the street from the U.S. Capitol, and is in the same building as CSPAN, Fox, and MSNBC, according to its website. It describes itself as the capital’s “premier liveshot facility.”


“I inquired a little more, since I haven’t been around anyone with COVID[-19], and I was told they have a ‘list’ of people they won’t allow in, ‘because of, like, who you’ve been around, at the White House and stuff… and it’s, um, because of health reasons,’” he recalled.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.12483608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3625 >>3794 >>3854

President Trump Blasts Pelosi’s Impeachment Efforts, “Continuation of the Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of Politics”


President Trump spoke to reporters ahead of his trip to Texas on Tuesday.


The President is traveling to Alamo, Texas on Tuesday to survey the border wall.


More than 450 miles of border wall was built in South Texas thanks to President Trump.


Trump blasted Pelosi’s efforts to push for a second impeachment, calling it a “continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics.”


Speaker Pelosi is pushing to impeach President Trump this week and invoke the 25th Amendment in an effort to bar Trump from holding public office.


The Democrats are also working to criminalize MAGA rallies and labeling Trump supporters domestic terrorists.


A reporter then asked, “What is your role in what happened at the Capitol, what is your responsibility…”


“They’ve analyzed by speech in my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence and everybody just thought it was totally appropriate,” Trump said.


Joe Biden remained silent during violence all summer during the George Floyd riots when his supporters were burning down businesses and killing people.


Kamala Harris incited violence and promoted the fund used to bail out accused murderers and rapists who were arrested during the Black Lives Matter riots and the media never asks her what her role was in the violence.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.12483655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3741 >>3794 >>3804 >>3854

CNN analyst says Trump is the 'leader of a terrorist organization'


Former Obama DHS official Juliette Kayyem rejected calls for unity Tuesday on CNN.


A CNN national security analyst on Tuesday called President Donald Trump the "leader of a terrorist organization," calling for the "complete isolation" of a president 74 million Americans voted for in the 2020 election.


Juliette Kayyem, a lecturer at Harvard University and former member of the Obama administration's Homeland Security Advisory Council, appeared on a CNN panel with Jim Sciutto and Poppy Harlow, during which she made the case that Trump is the "spiritual" and "operational" leader of a "domestic terrorism effort."


"Trump is the spiritual, but I will also say operational leader of this domestic terrorism effort. He tells them where to go. He tells them what to do. He tells them why they're angry," Kayyem charged.


"Trump is the spiritual leader for domestic terrorists and he is their operational leader. He tells them what to do…

— Juliette Kayyem (@Juliette Kayyem)1610466749.0


She argued that the United States government needs to begin a counterterrorism effort against elements of the president's supporters who participated in the violent riots at the Capitol building Jan. 6, during which five people died, and that such an effort requires going after Trump first.


"And so we need to start at the top, like any counterterrorism effort, which is total isolation of the president of the United States. Impeachment, yes. 25th Amendment, yes. Deplatforming, yes. All of the above. No money. No access to campaign funds," Kayyem said.


She called for Trump's "complete isolation" because Trump, "as the leader of a terrorist organization," will have a more difficult time recruiting followers if he is "viewed as a loser."


"He's going to have his radical elements. We will arrest them, we will isolate them. But what we have to make sure is that Donald Trump does not have a second act. I know I sound incredibly harsh right now calling the president this, but we are in the tactical response right now. Enough with the 'let's unity' and stuff, this is a tactical effort right now to make sure that we protect American citizens and, of course, the next president of the United States."


Kayyem laid out her argument in more detail in a column published by the Atlantic Tuesday in which she accused the president of being a "rallying point for a coalition of theocrats, internet fantasists, white supremacists, and various other authoritarians who are in no way committed to peaceful transitions of power."


"The way to unite this country is to isolate acts of violence—and a leader who incites it—from legitimate expression," Kayyem wrote. "Trump was a north star for a certain kind of radical. Americans will be safer the more that star loses its shine."

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.12483748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3794 >>3854


Ontario declares state of emergency and issues stay-at-home order to fight COVID-19 spike


New modelling predicts that Ontario could see more than 20,000 new cases a day by the middle of next month


Ontario is issuing an order requiring residents to stay at home starting Thursday, except for essential activities such as accessing health care or shopping for groceries.


Premier Doug Ford says he is also declaring another state of emergency effective immediately in response to surging COVID-19 infection rates.


The new measures also include restricting the hours of operation for non-essential retail stores such as hardware stores to between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.


The premier announced the restrictions shortly after the province released new projections that show the virus is on track to overwhelm Ontario’s health-care system.


Dr. Adalsteinn Brown, one of the experts behind the projections, says that if the province’s COVID-19 positivity rate is at five per cent, Ontario will see more than 20,000 new cases a day by the middle of next month.


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If the rate climbs to seven per cent, that means the province will see 40,000 new daily cases.


Ontario reported 2,903 new cases of COVID-19 today, including eight new cases of a variant from the United Kingdom.


The province also reported 41 more deaths linked to the virus.


Deaths from COVID-19 could exceed those in the pandemic’s first wave in Canada’s most populous province and Ontario could also see roughly 1,500 additional deaths in its long-term care homes by mid-February under the worst case scenario, the data showed.


Ontario reported 2,903 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, including eight new cases of a variant from the United Kingdom. The province also reported 41 more deaths linked to the virus.


Projections from the province show that under current restrictions, daily deaths from the virus will double from 50 to 100 between now and the end of February.


The data also shows a quarter of the province’s hospitals now have no intensive care unit beds free and another quarter have only one or two beds free.


Brown said health-care providers will face difficult choices in the weeks ahead.


“These are choices that no doctor ever wants to make, and no family ever wants to hear,” he said. “There will be choices about who will get the care they need and who will not.”


Projections show there could be about 500 COVID-19 patients in intensive care by mid-January and potentially more than 1,000 by February under more severe scenarios.

Anonymous ID: 844fbf Jan. 12, 2021, 11:06 a.m. No.12483764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3781 >>3794 >>3854

Trudeau extends border shutdown to February 21


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has extended the Canadian border shutdown for another month.


The border shutdown, allegedly to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, was first instated in March 2020 and was due to expire on Jan. 21.


Today's announcement extends the shutdown to Feb. 21.


According to Barrie Today,


“This will keep people on both sides of the border safe,” Trudeau stated during today's COVID-19 address.


The U.S. suspended flights to and from China at the end of January last year to help contain the spread of the disease, which originated there.


An internal briefing note from Canada's Public Health Agency circulated on Jan. 29, 2020 recommended against wearing face masks:


Using a question-and-answer format, the note read:


“Do you recommend travelers wear masks while visiting China or quarantine-blocked cities within the country such as Wuhan?


“No, It is not recommended that healthy travelers wear masks while visiting China or quarantine-blocked cities within the country.”


Mandatory masks for travellers were not required in Canada until April 2020.