Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.12486311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6608 >>6700 >>6849 >>6908

Pelosi's Congress: Breitbart Is Not Allowed But A Chinese Propaganda Newspaper Is?


Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) wrote in a letter (pdf) to Pelosi that she received a copy of the paper to her official office in the Longworth House Office Building, despite neither she nor her staff requesting it.


“This dangerous propaganda is owned, paid for, and written by the CCP,” Hinson wrote.


“I am appalled that this could happen. I write to insist you use the control you have as Speaker of the House of Representatives to stop the CCP from distributing its state-run publication within our hallowed halls. This offensive garbage should not be automatically distributed to Congressional


offices at the cost of American taxpayers.”


China Daily is designated as a foreign mission, which identifies it as a propaganda organ of the CCP. It is also registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. That registration prevents its employees from accessing congressional press galleries. Nevertheless, the paper found a loophole to get access to members of Congress.


“How can we expect the American people to trust that Congress will take on the Chinese Communist Party when its dangerous propaganda is being delivered right to our doorstep? I wrote to the speaker immediately and asked her to address this


issue,” Hinson told the Washington Free Beacon, which obtained the letter.


Pelosi’s office didn’t respond to requests for comment.


China Daily, which is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the Chinese Communist Party. is disseminated to millions of Americans outside of Congress through inserts in major newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and Foreign Policy.


Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) has previously pushed for China Daily to not be distributed to members of Congress.


“What people don’t know is that every morning, we receive a packet of journals and newspapers, and, while that is very helpful to me as a policymaker, the China Daily being included on an


almost-daily basis in that packet is a dangerous precedent,” Banks told The Epoch Times last year.


“Not just because it’s a propaganda rag, but because of who owns it and how it’s paid for, and for that to show up on the doorstep of every member of Congress, to be distributed to every member of Congress’ team, and oftentimes to be lying around for constituents visiting offices to read, which is what most of these newspapers end up doing, is almost an endorsement of them as a legitimate news source, which they are not,” Banks stated.


A House officer said the packet is distributed by a company called the National News Agency, which is based in Maryland.


Dave Gasperetti, National News’ vice president for public relations, initially denied in an interview that China Daily is among the publications his company distributes to congressional offices, then said, “what we deliver is proprietary, and I don’t have to tell you.”

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.12486354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6418 >>6595 >>6608 >>6700 >>6849 >>6908

Third malware strain discovered in SolarWinds supply chain attack


CrowdStrike, one of the two security firms formally investigating the hack, sheds some light on how hackers compromised the SolarWinds Orion app build process.


Cyber-security firm CrowdStrike, one of the companies directly involved in investigating the SolarWinds supply chain attack, said today it identified a third malware strain directly involved in the recent hack.


Named Sunspot, this finding adds to the previously discovered Sunburst (Solorigate) and Teardrop malware strains.


But while Sunspot is the latest discovery in the SolarWinds hack, Crowdstrike said the malware was actually the first one used.

Sunspot malware ran on SolarWinds' build server


In a report published today, Crowdstrike said that Sunspot was deployed in September 2019, when hackers first breached SolarWinds' internal network.


The Sunspot malware was installed on SolarWinds build server, a type of software used by developers to assemble smaller components into larger software applications.


CrowdStrike said Sunspot had one singular purpose — namely, to watch the build server for build commands that assembled Orion, one of SolarWinds' top products, an IT resources monitoring platform used by more than 33,000 customers across the globe.


Once a build command was detected, the malware would silently replace source code files inside the Orion app with files that loaded the Sunburst malware, resulting in Orion app versions that also installed the Sunburst malware.

Timeline of the SolarWinds supply chain attack


These trojanized Orion clients eventually made their way one SolarWinds' official update servers and were installed on the networks of the company's many customers.


Once this happened, the Sunburst malware would activate inside internal networks of companies and government agencies, where it would collect data on its victims and then send the information back to the SolarWinds hackers (see this Symantec report about how data was sent back via DNS request).


Threat actors would then decide if a victim was important enough to compromise and would deploy the more powerful Teardrop backdoor trojan on these systems while, at the same time, instruct Sunburst to delete itself from networks it deemed insignificant or too high risk.


However, the revelation that a third malware strain was discovered in the SolarWinds attack is one of the three major updates that came to light today about this incident.


In a separate announcement published on its blog, SolarWinds also published a timeline of the hack. The Texas-based software provider said that before the Sunburst malware was deployed to customers between March and June 2020, hackers also executed a test run between September and November 2019.


"The subsequent October 2019 version of the Orion Platform release appears to have contained modifications designed to test the perpetrators' ability to insert code into our builds," SolarWinds CEO Sudhakar Ramakrishna said today, in an assessment also echoed by the CrowdStrike report. The security firm claimed this code overlap could be the result of the SolarWinds hackers using the same coding ideas, buying malware from the same coder, coders moving across different threat actors, or could simply be a false flag operation meant to lead security firms on the wrong path.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:14 p.m. No.12486407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6420 >>6608 >>6700 >>6849 >>6908

There’s Still a Ballot Drop Box on the Street in Conservative-Leaning Lone Pine, CA and Local Officials Refuse to Come Pick It Up


Lone Pine, California is a conservative-leaning town near the Nevada border.

In the last election, 51.9% voted for the Republican Party, and 38.6% voted Democrat.


So there was really no rush by liberal state officials to collect the ballots for the 2020 election.


In fact, there is still a ballot drop box on the sidewalk near city hall.


Ben Jones from Lone Pine keeps calling local officials to collect the ballot box.

But it’s still there over two months after the election.


Democrats like ballot boxes because they can stuff them full of ballots when they need to.

And they can leave other ballot boxes on the street in conservative districts when they want to.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.12486466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526 >>6595

Twitter blacklists European MEDICAL JOURNAL after it published study on ivermectin treatment for Covid-19


Twitter has blocked a link to an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal that suggested the antiparasitic drug ivermectin could be useful against Covid-19. The platform claims the journal's website is “potentially unsafe.”


Twitter user Karl Denninger (@TickerGuy) posted a link to an observational study in the European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences that found healthcare workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh who were treated with ivermectin as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PreP) were markedly less likely to become infected with Covid-19. Just 6.9 percent of those given the drug tested positive for Covid-19, while a whopping 73.3 percent of those who did not became infected.


No sooner had his tweet slamming the “GHOULS” in charge of the US response to the pandemic (and telling doubters to stick the study where the sun doesn’t shine) gone live on Thursday morning, however, than Denninger discovered Twitter had blocked the link with a warning screen advising users “this site may be unsafe.”


Users who attempted to access the peer-reviewed journal were confronted with an alert that the link was “identified by Twitter or [its] partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe” and could potentially “steal personal information or harm electronic devices.” This would be quite an accomplishment for a static text-only page with no links or scripts running.


Twitter’s fondness for blocking traffic to “wrongthink” sites with spurious warning pages is a well-established headache for the alternative media, but is no ZeroHedge or BitChute. Indeed, it’s not political at all, let alone pro- or anti-establishment. Nevertheless, the social media behemoth saw fit to block not just that one article, but the whole site.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:19 p.m. No.12486484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6608 >>6700 >>6849 >>6908

Food Control is Next


Chaos in the US has given the signal across the globe for governments to begin the movement to complete control of food by further restricting movement as the economy teeters global weather systems become increasingly unstable and food prices spike.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.12486591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holland, the drug smugglers’ paradise (but don’t bring your ham sandwiches!) As Dutch cops focus on truckers’ snacks, gangs are turning the country into a narco-state with illicit operations worth billions


Dutch port officials made headlines for seizing a sandwich under Brexit rules

But Dutch shipping terminals are notorious hubs for drug smuggling gangs

Cocaine trade is worth billions with illegal drugs often hidden in fruit shipments

The drug trade has led to gang violence and money-laundering in Amsterdam Dutch port officials have made headlines for mocking a trucker as they seized his ham sandwiches under Brexit rules– but criminals are having the last laugh as they use the country's shipping terminals to smuggle drugs worth billions of pounds every year.


Famously tolerant of cannabis use, the Netherlands is also a seen as a 'gateway for South American cocaine' and an 'ideal environment' for a drugs trade which has left the country in fear of becoming a 'narco-state'.


While customs officers are busy stopping British packed lunches crossing the border, it is estimated that some 70,000kg of cocaine crosses into the country each year - just 14,000kg of which is stopped, making Holland one of Europe's biggest drug trafficking hubs. Often hidden in fruit shipments, some of the lucrative stashes of cocaine are worth more than £100million alone and are sometimes smuggled along with firearms.


The criminal trade at Dutch ports has also started to seep into the mainland, with gang violence causing an outcry in Amsterdam where drug kingpins run money-laundering rackets and a 'ring of hustlers and parasites' have 'free rein'.


In one major drug bust last year, more than two tons of cocaine with an estimated street value of £136million were found in a banana shipment in Rotterdam.


Arriving from Ecuador, the illegal drugs were meant to use Holland as a gateway to Europe before making their way to Hungary.


Rotterdam is Europe's largest sea port and handles nearly 15million containers a year, only a small fraction of which are routinely scanned.


Even when containers are inspected, gangs can use accomplices at Dutch and Belgian docks to sneak past authorities.


Last year, police discovered that seven shipping containers had even been adapted into prison cells and a 'torture chamber' used by the criminal underworld.


Believed to be used for kidnappings, 'torture chamber' included what looked like a dentist's chair with straps for the prisoner's arms and legs.


Six people were arrested on suspicion of 'preparing kidnappings and hostage-taking' after the containers were discovered near the Belgian border in a raid linked to the drugs trade.


Pieter Tops, a professor at the Dutch police academy, said in October that Holland's tolerant penal system and its extensive transport links make it an 'ideal environment for the drugs trade'. The professor said that schoolchildren were sometimes offered €500 to transport a package while farmers were approached about letting out their land to drug gangs.


'The main problem is the enormous flow of money and its rippling effect throughout our society,' he told Dutch News.


A 2019 report by the EU's drug agency estimated that around 14,600kg of cocaine are seized in the Netherlands every year - with a separate IMF report giving a 'seizure rate' of around 20 per cent.


Tops said that each kilogram of cocaine is worth around €50,000, meaning the overall trade is worth billions.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:26 p.m. No.12486636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6700 >>6849 >>6908

Rep. Pramila Jayapal becomes the SECOND Democratic congresswoman to test positive for COVID-19 after sheltering from MAGA mob with Republicans who refused to wear masks


Rep. Pramila Jayapal has become the second Democratic congresswoman to test positive for COVID-19 after being forced to shelter in a secure room with maskless Republicans during last Wednesday's siege of the Capitol.


Jayapal, who represents Washington's 7th Congressional District, revealed her diagnosis in a tweet on Monday night, blaming her political adversaries for the infection.


'I just received a positive COVID-19 test result after being locked down in a secured room at the Capitol where several Republicans not only cruelly refused to wear a mask but recklessly mocked colleagues and staff who offered them one,' the 55-year-old posted.


Jayapal's announcement came just hours after Democratic Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, 75, disclosed that she, too, had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.12486808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6844 >>6920

Scorned woman is jailed for five years for framing her ex-boyfriend and his new lover as paedophiles by taking over his Facebook to arrange meet with '14-year-old girl'


Amy Gray, 37, took over ex-boyfriend's Facebook page to message a teenager

She knew profile of a '14-year-old girl' was used by a paedophile hunter group

Gray was jailed for five years after framing her former partner and his new lover A scorned woman has been jailed for five years after framing her ex-boyfriend and his new lover as paedophiles.


Amy Gray, 37, took over her ex partner's Facebook to arrange a meeting with a '14-year-old girl' she knew was actually a decoy created by a paedophile vigilante group waiting to ambush anyone who contacted the profile.


Gray had helped the man, who was already on the sex offenders' register, set up a Facebook profile and used his log-in details to message the decoy, a judge heard at Hull Crown Court. Prosecutor Ben Thomas said Gray had also used her rival's name while grooming the teen to take part in a 'threesome.'


Gray later told police officers it would be a 'bonus' for her love rival to get into trouble too.


Predator's Exposed, the group behind the decoy, then made their way to the rendezvous expecting to catch the two of them.


Mr Thomas told the court: 'Of course no one turned up to meet them so they went to his house as his address had been given in some of the messages.'


The man answered the door to see six members of the group calling him a 'dirty, vile piece of s', a 'jelly bellied b***' and even 'Fred West'.


His new partner was told not to answer calls from her mother as she was being live streamed on Predator's Exposed's Facebook page.


Humberside Police were called and the couple were taken into custody, detained for 12 hours and interviewed.

Gray had helped the man, who was already on the sex offenders' register, set up a Facebook profile and used his log-in details to message the decoy, a judge heard at Hull Crown Court (pictured)

Anonymous ID: d839a9 Jan. 12, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.12486856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6908


So is Michael Beller on a no-fly list now after threatening to throw Molotov cocktails at the @WhiteHouse
