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Novi x22report
Vojnici se rasporedjuju po Washingtonu. Spavaju po podovima
Strasno!! Bogate se na tudjoj nesreci.
Papa Franjo i bivsi papa Benedikt XVI primili prve doze vakcina
ja mislim da lin wood ide korak po korak ..kao da koristi neki odredjeni postotak koliko da podigne cijelu istinu na novi nivo. Moje misljenje. Bas kao sto Q budi ljude
Predsjednik Trump u obracanju naciji. Govori o cenzuriranju, rasporedu vojske po drzavi i Washingtonu. Govori da je dobio dojave od tajne sluzbe da ce se organizirati neredi po gradovima. Govori o prvom amandmanu i mirnoj tranziciji 20og.
With over 100 cybersecurity projects between them, the CyberSec4Europe consortium members cover a wide spectrum of cybersecurity issues: 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors.
Cybernetica je dio tog cybersec4europe
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISAโs role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website:
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISAโs role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website:
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe
CyberSec4Europe (a Horizon 2020 project) is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISAโs role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board.
CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.
Project website:
Project start date: 01.02.2019
Project end date: 31.07.2022
Tamara Tafrais the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU and Counsellor for Cyber Issues. She was Chair of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues during the recent Croatian Presidency.
Hmmmโฆpogledajte sta mi je prvo izbacilo kada sam upisao na google tamara tafra.
Huawei i eu zajedno?
Tamara Tafra, Counselor for Cyber Issues, Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU
Since 2013 Tamara Tafra has been working for the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU, covering COEST, COSCE and CYBER. She is currently the Counsellor for Cyber Issues and will be Chair of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues.
She started her career as a diplomat in 2004 and, between 2006 and 2010, she worked at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. She was also actively involved in the accession negotiations of Croatia to the EU as a coordinator for the Economic criteria and EMU.
Along with a University degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb and a Master in European Studies from the Europa Kolleg in Hamburg, Tamara Tafra has undergone several professional programmes in the German Bundestag (IPS programme), a training for diplomats of the German Federal Foreign Office, as well as the UN Academy and the Diplomatic Academy in Zagreb.
Cudno mi je to sto se kineska firma stavlja kao prva koja izbacuje ovaj artikl.
Jel vam sada mozda pada na pamrt kako se Huawei brzo probio na nase trziste? Sve one reklame po televiziji i internetuโฆ
trump sprema jos pomilovanja, izvrsnih odredbi, deklasifikaciju o Ukrajini i postavljanje posebnih savjetnika.
Jos jedan ljevicar koji je radio nerede u kongresu uhvacen. Radi se o registriranom demokratu i 34-ogodisnjem sinu suca iz NY
13 osoba preminulo nakon sto su primili vakcine protiv korone u Norveskoj==
jos jedan artikl koji dokazuje da je Trump pobjedio
Volume Three of the Navarro Report
Facebook i Twitter su kombinirano izgubili 51,2 milijarde dolara svoje vrijednosti kroz zadnja dva tjedna na burzi, nakon sto su bezobzirno obrisali Donalda Trumpa sa svojih platformi zbog antifinih i demokratski organiziranih nereda na zgradu kongresa
Ja upadam preko privatnog vpn-a. Tor imam kao back-up. Vise ni ne pokusavam da idem normalnom metodom. Aktualizaciju softvera sam blokirao kao i aktualizaciju svih aplikacija. Ostajem na ovakvom do iza 20og.
Ljudi ovaj dokument je stvarno bombastican. Svakako malo povirite i pogledajte
"Desavanje anon" . .da , mislim da smo svi shvatili da je jedna osoba ustrajna u takvom javljanju ovdje. Bravo za autenticnost a i objave su ugl za biljeski!
Goodspeed anon
And We Know
Yt kanal opet uklonjen pa covjek krece iznova. Ovo je najnoviji video. Vrijedi pogledati.
Zanimljiva jedna usporedba.
Zasto je trump dobio dres sa brojem17? A ne sa 45?
20 000 vojnika u Washingtonu
When does the bird sing?
Sa pompeovih tvitovaโฆ
Ova tri idu u biljeske!
Dodajmo i ovoโฆ
I kad netko kaze da se nista ne dogadjaโฆ
Plan ide punom brzinomโฆ
samo postajโฆsamo jako!!! Svi kriminalci dolje!!!
Estonian government collapses over corruption investigation
Prime minister resigns after party named as suspect in inquiry into property project
Vlada Kuvajta podnela je danas ostavku, posle ฤitavog niza sukoba sa poslanicima koji su dugo potresali tu zemlju sa najjaฤim parlamentom u Zalivu.
A tek je 15.1
znaci..imamo rusenje vlada u nizozemskoj, italiji, estoniji, kuvajtu, slusam da se sprema promjena ustava u rusiji, da se spremaju novi izbori u njemackoj koji bi mogli donijenti i novog kancelara. Vojska se utaborila u Washingtonu bas pred inauguraciju a znamo da nam je Q davno rekao da je jedini nacin vojni nacin. Vidimo da je i u austriji nemirno.
Talijanska vlada pada a znamo da su u italiji pronadjeni dokazi kako su neki talijani vrsili prevaru na americkim izborima koristeci se satelitom.
Njemacka politicka scena uzburkana a znamo da su glasovi zavrsavali i u frankfurtu.
Nizozemska vlada cijela podnijela ostavku a znamo da se u nizozemskoj odvija mnogo stvari koje su vezane za vodstvo unije.
Estonska vlada je uzburkana nakon ostavke premijera a znamo da Cybernetica potjece iz te drzave i da je ta drzava medju prvima uvela internet glasovanje. A takodjer sudjeluju u organiziranju takvih izbora diljem svijeta.
Kuvajtska vlada pada bas nakon sto je, zahvaljujuci trumpu tamo proglasen mir sa susjednim zemljama.
Da, bas nista se ne dogadja i plan je propao i trump i patrioti vise nisu u kontroli โ ==mos mislit!
A nasi mediji i dalje pricaju samo o koroni!!
Bas se pitam koja ce vlada na balkanu puknuti prva.