Anonymous ID: 07dba2 Jan. 12, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.12488345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8392 >>8409 >>8479

>>12487379 (lb)

>>12487545 (lb)

>>12487614 (lb)

Why would you ask an anon to "give it 8 more days"? You don't know what's going to happen in 8 days. Neither do I. Nor do any anons here that aren't "read in" on the plan. And especially Lin "I love Jesus Christ and Hate Mike Pence" Wood. @POTUS just gave a speech at the border in which he actually did infer that Joe Biden would face the 25th amendment. Go back to the beginning of the speech and listen for yourself. Now, let that rattle around for a sec. Go get some coffee, and have a Dilbertfag moment.

>Hi Scott.


You back? OK, awesome. Take a seat. Now, I love Joe M. Don't get me wrong. Strong vids, super weak voiceover, but nonetheless, good anon helping anons learn the ropes, and get ready for "The Storm" (which, in case you checked out during 2020, we just went through (and are still in, sorta) without a single message over twitter). Remember that speech from today? If @POTUS isn't lying his ass off (he absolutely has no reason to at all) then that means Joe Biden's meant to be president next. It was rigged that way, after all, remember? Who rigged it? Well, they did, of course. Who watched it happen? @POTUS did. Do you think the NSA noticed that? Sure; absolutely. Nakasone told us about a week or so before the election that "It shouldn't happen", but we all know it did. So, unless you are ready to do some digging on Nakasone's daughter's ties to COVID vaccine testing, read on.


If patriots were in control (and they were), and the vote was rigged, and everything that happened was all part of the plan, then how could a Joe Biden/Kumuluh Hairy administration not be a continuance of that plan? It's pretty smart, really. You let them know they are under strict control, and you give them a list of people to put into positions. The list is explicit, and must be followed to a "T" or "You have a health crisis" and the order of succession is used. The longer you play along, and the better job you do, the longer you get to live. When they need reminders, you show them pics of McCunt and GHWB. If a Biden/Harris WH is what we're looking at, then patriots/anons need to develop a game plan for "Best Case" and "Worst Case" scenarios. Just think of it as "planning for the future". You can plan for both possible outcomes and still keep your focus on digging, meme'ing, praying, or doing something useful like target practicing.


Worst Case Scenario:

  1. Have a "bug out" bag with survival and other supplies.

  2. Make sure you have plenty of ammo.

  3. Make sure you have rations/provisions. The longer you can go without going to the store, the better.

  4. Have an exit strategy. If you live in a suburban area, pretend you are blocking every possible route "out of town", and figure out where you would head off to in the event of an emergency.

  5. Alternate comms are a must. If you think going Ham is your best bet, look at what happened to Nellie Ohr. Come up with a better idea than bouncing your comms off every inch of the mesosphere.

  6. Clothes.


Alternatively, plan for the future from the perspective of "God dammit! Obama 2.0 is president":

  1. Keep doing your job. If you lose that job, get another one.

  2. Fly under the radar in your daily life, and in your internet browsing habits.

  3. Remain neutral in your conversations regarding politics around strangers. Maybe even scale back your "I'm a fucking Q disciple!!!" speak in your daily life.

  4. If you drink, start scaling back. If you smoke, scale back. You are of no use to anyone if you are suffering from the shakes or other withdrawals.

  5. Spend time with your family/friends away from the TV. This includes sheltering your children from the fucking shit show. YOU need to be THEIR rock.

  6. Refer to Trump in the past sense. No, you don't have to like it. However, the harder some of you hold on to the idea of "Trump's gonna do some fucking crazy shit, just you watch!", the more people are going to think you've lost your shit entirely when Joe's sworn in. This will do you absolutely NO favors in the long run.

  7. Remember why we're here, and why doing the "right thing" doesn't always involve running out in the middle of a crowd, guns/puns-a-blazin.

  8. Keep putting money in your retirement. Hey, if this all blows over, you at least kept your focus. If things go to shit, we're all fucked anyways so best to plan for "Things will work out" when it comes to finances.


Yes. Hurry up and wait. You've made it this far. Might as well plan for the next 4 years; one way or the other. If you still trust Trump, then now's a good time to start acting like it. No time limits. Re-read crumbs when you get bored; you might pick up on something you missed previously.