Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 2:48 p.m. No.12488043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8077 >>8116 >>8129 >>8306 >>8325 >>8494

Hillary Clinton Labels Trump Supporters “Domestic Terrorists” Who Need to be Tracked and Surveilled Following Chaos at US Capitol


Twice failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is waging all out war on Trump supporters.


Clinton labeled Trump supporters “white supremacists” and “domestic terrorists” in a Washington Post op-ed.


The Democrat-media complex is using the chaos at the US Capitol last week as a pretext to label Trump supporters domestic terrorists.


Last Wednesday President Trump repeatedly called for peace and law and order, however the left is blaming him for the chaos at the Capitol.


Not all protesters who stormed the US Capitol last week were Trump supporters.


According to a former FBI agent who was on the ground at the Capitol last week, at least one bus load of Antifa terrorists infiltrated the Trump demonstration as part of a false flag operation.


Emboldened by the Big Tech purge of President Trump and thousands of conservatives, Hillary Clinton is now calling for Trump supporters to be surveilled and tracked.


Clinton said it is “not enough” to prosecute the “domestic terrorists who attacked our Capitol” and called for new laws to track and surveil:


Trump ran for president on a vision of America where whiteness is valued at the expense of everything else. In the White House, he gave white supremacists, members of the extreme right and conspiracy theorists their most powerful platforms yet, even claiming that there were “very fine people” among the torch-wielding militia members who converged on Charlottesville in 2017.


By the time he lost in 2020, he had whipped a dangerous element of our country into a frenzy. His supporters began planning their insurrection, making plans to march on the Capitol and “stop the steal.” Members of Congress, including Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), encouraged them, in Brooks’s words, to “start taking down names and kicking ass.” Trump left no doubt about his wishes, in the lead-up to Jan. 6 and with his incendiary words before his mob descended.




Removing Trump from office is essential, and I believe he should be impeached. Members of Congress who joined him in subverting our democracy should resign, and those who conspired with the domestic terrorists should be expelled immediately. But that alone won’t remove white supremacy and extremism from America. There are changes elected leaders should pursue immediately, including advocating new criminal laws at the state and federal levels that hold white supremacists accountable and tracking the activities of extremists such as those who breached the Capitol. Twitter and other companies made the right decision to stop Trump from using their platforms, but they will have to do more to stop the spread of violent speech and conspiracy theories.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 2:56 p.m. No.12488153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8325 >>8494

Capitol Hill Vicinity as US House Set to Vote on Possible Invokation of 25th Amendment Against Trump


Last week, the US capitol building was stormed by crowds of supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump, with the riots killing 5 people, including one law enforcement officer. The president is accused of inciting the violence, and House Democrats intend to impeach him again.


The US House is set to vote on a resolution that would ask Vice President Mike Pence to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment against President Donald Trump, to declare the latter "unfit" for his presidential post and make Pence the acting president.


The vote comes after the US capitol building was attacked by violent Trump supporters last week - a riot that resulted in 5 deaths, vandalism, theft and a disruption of the certification of election results. POTUS is accused of "inciting" the deadly mayhem, which he denied, claiming he never asked for violence on US streets.


House Democrats and some Republicans, however, intend to impeach Trump for what they see as the "inciting of insurrection", with the vote on what would be a US president's unprecedented second impeachment set for Wednesday.


Follow Sputnik'slive feedto find out more.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 2:58 p.m. No.12488201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8325 >>8494

The threats and violence Twitter won’t police


Of late, much attention has been focused on acts of censorship by Twitter. What has garnered far less attention is what Twitter chooses not to censor, and the examples are shocking both in content and in the hypocrisy that Big Tech shows in its effort to destroy Twitter’s competitor, Parler.


Amazon, Apple, and Google have all acted to shut Parler down supposedly because it hosts calls for violence, but a simple search of Twitter shows that it regularly allows such calls itself.


Twitter hosts a #KillTrump hashtag. In all of the glorious English langue there is no clearer, plainer, or shorter way to call for violence than the word kill followed by someone’s name. But there it is. One of these tweets reads “#ArrestTrump not enough #KillTrump.” And this isn’t new, back in June the hashtag #AssassinateTrump was bouncing around the website with gems like “Someone take this clown out NOW.” That tweet is still up.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 2:59 p.m. No.12488222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8236 >>8325 >>8349 >>8494

L.A. County Tells Residents To Wear Masks Inside Own Homes


More insane and looming unconstitutional Covid-lockdown overreach, once again out of hard hit L.A. county where cases are surging:


Things are so bad in Los Angeles County that health officials are now advising all essential workers to wear masks inside their own home to prevent spreading Covid-19 within their household.


As if instances where some cities across the globe began previously enforcing mask-wearing outdoors wasn't bad enough, the L.A. health recommendation now advises people to mask up inside their own homes.


And it's not a precaution that says wear a mask in the presence of a confirmed COVID-19 infected house member, which would be understandable, but simply at all times regardless of other family members being sick.


"Right now, because there is so much spread, we're recommending that people wear their face coverings while they're inside the home," Los Angeles County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer said at a press briefing Monday.


"That's for people who are either leaving their home every day for work or who are running errands regularly for their family" Ferrer said. She called it an added "layer of protection while we get through this surge."


Even though media outlets like CNN are framing the directive as applying to "essential workers" it's clear from the health director's wording that the guidance is being issued to all L.A. County residents who belong to a household with more than one person.


Los Angeles is now approaching its one year mark since its first recorded confirmed coronavirus case. Since then over 930,000 people have tested positive in L.A. County.


Local authorities have lately sought to impose the most stringent social distancing measures in the country, including new lockdown orders and a 10pm to 6am curfew, with the exception of essential workers.


L.A. is also telling people to not event take a walk or jog without wearing a mask: "Now is not the time to meet with friends at your home to watch the game," Ferrer said in the Monday statement. "It is not the time to go for a walk without a mask."

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 3 p.m. No.12488252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8265 >>8325 >>8494

Biden’s CIA Pick Led Secret ‘Back Channel’ Negotiations That Led To Failed Iran Nuclear Deal


The President-Elect is proving to rely heavily on the Obama team including the chief facilitator of the one-sided Iran nuclear deal


Joe Biden has announced that the chief facilitator to the creation of the incredibly one-sided Iran nuclear deal, if confirmed, will be his pick for director of the Central Intelligence Agency.


William Burns, the chief facilitator and negotiator for the Obama administration in the crafting of the pro-Iran nuclear deal is set to become CIA director in the upcoming Biden administration.


Burns, the current president of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, served as the US ambassador to Jordan under President Obama and Special Assistant to Secretaries Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright under President Clinton.


Burns played a leading role in the failed Russian “reset” efforts Under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the early days of the Obama administration.


Biden’s pick for head of the CIA led the clandestine “back channel” negotiations with the Iranian regime that resulted in the Iran nuclear deal. In selecting Burns, the President-Elect is further signaling that he will follow-through in his commitment to rejoining the controversial deal.


The Trump administration rescued the United State from the horribly one-sided deal left in May of 2018.


William Burns the Joe Biden’s pick for CIA director, led the secretive “back channel” with the Iranian regime during the lead up to the Iran nuclear deal.


— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) January 12, 2021


Opponents of the deal – including Democrat Sens. Chuck Schumer (NY), Bob Menendez (NJ), Ben Cardin (MD), and Joe Manchin (WV), refused to back the deal saying it did not properly restrain Iran’s nuclear aspirations, address the Iranian’s funding of terrorism, or put in place adequate international inspection oversight.


When the Senate brought the deal up for a vote in September of 2015, it failed 58 to 42. The Obama administration refused to take no for an answer and implemented it nevertheless.


In the deal negotiated by Burns, Iran received billions in cash. The Obama administration flew a jet carrying $400 million in euros and Swiss francs to Tehran in January of 2016 in exchange (read: ransom) for the release of four Americans being held in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


The US surrendered an additional $1.3 billion in taxpayer dollars to the Iranian mullahs, to – allegedly – settle outstanding “claims.” The deal also unlocked over $150 billion in frozen Iranian assets.


The Obama administrations lifting of international sanctions – also part of the deal – also provided Iran with hundreds of billions in relief.


Burns wrote in his book, The Back Channel: A Memoir of American Diplomacy and the Case for Its Renewal, that “the IAEA and the US intelligence community repeatedly affirmed Iranian compliance,” but he acknowledged that “Iran continued to export instability across the Middle East, exploiting and accelerating chaos in Syria and Yemen.”


It was later confirmed that Iran had obstructed UN and IAEA inspectors in its continuation of the development of nuclear weapons capabilities.


Biden's choice for CIA director,

William Burns, has long argued that the nuclear deal actually makes Israel safer, despite Israel's long-standing, vocal objections to it. |


— Mike (@Doranimated) January 11, 2021


Mr. Biden has reaffirmed his decision to rejoin the Iran deal saying, “[I]n consultation with our allies and partners, we’re going to engage in negotiations and follow-on agreements to tighten and lengthen Iran’s nuclear constraints, as well as address [their] missile program.”


The Iranian government announced it has resumed its 20 percent uranium enrichment earlier this month. Iran’s Parliament also passed a law late in 2020 that blocks IAEA inspections of nuclear sites. That obstruction will start one month into the Biden administration should US sanctions not be lifted.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.12488281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298

Mass 'Super-Spreader' Event In Tuscaloosa After Alabama Win


In the second COVID-19 superspreader event in less than one week, the first was Trump supporters attacking the Capitol complex last Wednesday, thousands of fans, many without face masks, poured out on the streets of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to celebrate the Alabama Crimson Tide football win.


The Crimson Tide football team crushed the Ohio State Buckeyes on Monday evening to win the national college championship. As with any major win, at a large party school, college kids tend to party, and party they did on Monday night.


So it comes as no surprise that after the win, with the virus pandemic on no one's mind, thousands of college kids densely packed streets in Tuscaloosa to celebrate the big win. Many of them were seen without facing coverings nor practicing safe social distancing.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 3:04 p.m. No.12488317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8325 >>8408 >>8494

READ: House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’


House Democrats have introduced a bill to abolish the electoral college via constitutional amendment.


Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”


Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.


Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”


“The development of mass media and the internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world,” the bill also notes.


The bill includes a seven-section article to be added to the Consitution:


Use link to read if image doesn't load

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 3:09 p.m. No.12488416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8494

FBI Report Warned of Extremist Plot to Attack Congress on January 6, But Capitol Security Was Not Increased to Meet Threat


The FBI reporteldly knew in advance extremists were plotting to attack the Capitol on January 6, yet the attack took place as there was insufficient security in place that allowed police lines to be easily overrun by violent extremists and boisterous Trump supporters. Five people are reported to have died as a result of the ensuing riot: an unarmed protester was shot by police, a Capitol police officer injured in the attack, a protester who was trampled by the mob and two other protesters who died of medical emergencies. A second Capitol Police officer committed suicide days after he defended the Capitol during the mob attack. Pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails were found near Capitol Hill during the riots.


The FBI report quotes descriptions of actions called for by the alleged plotters that describe exactly what happened, “Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in…”


The Washington Post reported Tuesday on what the FBI knew (excerpt):


…A situational information report approved for release the day before the U.S. Capitol riot painted a dire portrait of dangerous plans, including individuals sharing a map of the complex’s tunnels, and possible rally points for would-be conspirators to meet up in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and South Carolina and head in groups to Washington.


“As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington. D.C.,” the document says. “An online thread discussed specific calls for violence to include stating ‘Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”


…An FBI official familiar with the document said that within 45 minutes of learning about the alarming online conversation, the Norfolk FBI office wrote the report and shared it with others within the bureau. It was not immediately clear how many law enforcement agencies outside the FBI were told, but the information was briefed to FBI officials at the bureau’s Washington field office the day before the attack, this official said.


The official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss ongoing investigations, added that the report was raw intelligence and at the time it was written the FBI did not know the identities of those making the online statements.


Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund repeatedly asked for backup before the rally and was denied support. Even during the attack, help was slow to arrive.


New York Times excerpt:


The Capitol Police chief says his pleas for backup were ignored by the sergeants-at-arms and the Pentagon.


The outgoing head of the Capitol Police requested that D.C. National Guard units be placed on standby in case his small force was overwhelmed by violent protesters last Wednesday, but he was rebuffed by House and Senate security officials and a top Pentagon commander, he said in an interview on Sunday.


Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned under pressure last week, said he made the request two days before Wednesday’s riot after reviewing intelligence that indicated the demonstration would be larger and more violent that previously anticipated — and repeated his request as he watched the rioters attacking his officers.


…In his first interview since the riot, Mr. Sund, a 25-year veteran of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department, claimed that six calls for backup during the riot were rejected or delayed.

Anonymous ID: 110588 Jan. 12, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.12488467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8509 >>8575



In Unprecedented Joint Letter, Top Military Brass Denounces US Capitol Riot


The country's top military leaders have taken the unprecedented step of calling out last week's storming of the U.S. Capitol as inconsistent with the U.S. rule of law and a direct assault on the American way of life.


In a one-page memo to all U.S. troops, the eight members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the entire military force that President-elect Joe Biden will be their next commander in chief. All service members, they added, "must embody the values and ideals of the nation."