Anonymous ID: 783329 Jan. 12, 2021, 2:31 p.m. No.12487780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7866 >>7893 >>7913 >>7931 >>8017 >>8051 >>8090 >>8109 >>8405 >>8454 >>8523

Last stop is coming.


Train's still going, but fewer and fewer people on it. They're starting to fade away, one by one, the ones that can. First the quiet ones, the ones on the periphery who mostly lurked. They're already gone. Next some decide it was all bullshit. 'Cause here's the thing–they always kinda knew Q shit wasn't real. They just enjoyed the party. The memes, the bantz, the breads. Once the pleasure's gone, they're gone. They go second.


That's about when a chunk of the "Q leaders" and "e-celebs" disappear because they realize they need to move on to the next gig. Pretend they never even cared about Q. Alex Jones already jumped ship. Q? They never heard of it.


After that it's a slow bleed as threads die empty and forums/boards clear out and even the fucking e-mails don't get answered. Some don't really leave, they just forget to care for a few days too long and…vanish. And no one notices.


Soon it'll only be the people too broken to leave or the people who gave up so much they have no where else to go. The bottom feeders come in then–offering hope for money and attention until the money and attention dries up. Wood, Powell, Flynn.


Smiling faces with dying souls. Willing to say and share anything to get you to listen to them for just a little longer. Willing to give you just one more little sip of hope no matter how insane it might be. And the diehards all drink it up. "I hope this is real" they cry, clinging to their prophets in pure desperation.


Once the survivors are sucked pale, the lights go out and you just keep sitting there insisting its bright as day. That's last stop. No leaving then. You've paid too much for the ticket, even if deep down you always knew 'the plan' wasn't really real. Never made sense. Not really. Too late. Can't give in. You'll keep the faith. The others were weak. Newfags and shills. Didn't believe enough. You're not weak. You're a real diehard anon. That's why you're staying. Breads need baked. Drops need re-analyzed. Then re-re-analyzed. Then re-re-re-analyzed. Check this flight log one more time. Maybe Q meant something else? Check this unsourced news article. Just wait until Biden is inaugurated. That's when the storm really begins. Come 2024 it's really going to go down.


Three year delta? Let's try a four year delta. Or maybe five. Q is quantum, time is fluid.


Ten days of darkness any day now. Pope was arrested but at Mass the next day? Cloned and replaced, deepfakes abound. Maybe your family was replaced by clones. That's why they hate you of course, the deep state got to them. Of course you can't be wrong, they have to be wrong. No use reconnecting with them. They're too far gone. Q wouldn't like that. Q has to be right.


No, you can't leave because you're not strong enough to walk through the open door. Because then you have to admit you were the mark all along. That you were actually duped. That you've wasted the last four years of your life holding a key that has no lock.


Last stops coming. Still time to get off the Q train. Call me a demoralizationfag. Call me a shill, glownigger, whatever you fucking want. But deep down you know in your heart there isn't a single lie in this post and come January 20th reality will finally come crashing down for you.