Anonymous ID: 82acd1 Jan. 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.12490375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0384

Dear Random Liberal Activist,


You are pop-culture mob of closeted racists that think you are saving the world from racism. You have never done any deep work regarding your own racism or privilege. You read a facebook article and think you are woke on the issues. You think you are changing the world and ending racism by telling people they are racist when they don't agree with you. It isn't always racism, sometimes it is just politics.

Change doesn't happen when you tell the bad people people they are wrong. change happens when you change yourself and make the world around you a better place by like talking with the people you disagree with and trying to understand their perspective. There is a mob of self-righteous delusional pop-culture activists that don't know anything about activism or social justice. They have never done anything to make the world a better place except identify all the racists based on their political affiliation.


All they do is call everyone who disagrees with their political opinion a white nationalist terrorist that doesn't know anything. It doesn't change racism. Racism is something that never really goes away. You can fight it your whole life and it will still exist. You are not going to banish it from Earth. You need to look at yourselves and your underlying racist tendencies before you run around the internet projecting them on the rest of us.


I don't care if you use the right lingo and vote for the right people. I don't care if you pay lip service to racism. This doesn't make you healthy. You don't get a racist-free merit badge, or you shouldn't. You don't help people reflect or understand any underlying racism that might exist by calling them names. It doesn't help. It is counter-productive in fact.


You embolden the ideas you want to make go away. You want to say people are naughty and racist for disagreeing with any opinion of, regardless of whether it is race related. It is because you are forcing people who never did anything to intentionally support a racist white colonial system. You want them to conform to your hierarchy of cultural submission and repentance based on their birth gender and skin color. You judge me everytime I tried to join your groups. I used to join the groups. I used to be an activist. People didn't always judge me so much. They didn't always tell me to shutup because of my skin color and gender. I wanted to be an activist. I was an activist. I still am an activist. I just didn't like what it became.

I have a penis and white skin. Everyone decided that I needed to agree with their opinions and it was best if I didn't share mine. I did do progressive activism for a while, but the culture changed. Many people joined the "progressive party" and practice some version of activism-light. Surface level activist, twittervists, and facebook woke. It is these people, attacking me, someone who has honestly tried to do a good things with my life because I got a dick and white skin.


I learned that because I have schizophrenia, that means the black lesbians shouldn't take out their anger towards white males on me. I can't handle being a representative of the white male people of Earth. I want to help. Everyone yells at me, but I can't handle their trauma because I am mentally disabled. If I tell them I am disabled. I get treated different, people don't like schizophrenics. I find people like me, but if the word schizophrenia comes up, it changes everything. It tends to make people discredit your ideas or opinion as inherently invalid. I just didn't understand. I was forced by my political friends that wanted to save the whales to disclose my disability or they are mean to me because I am the white male. I don't think it is fair. I don't want to tell everyone. I considered telling one activist group. It doesn't help though. Everywhere I go, the black lesbian has a right to tell me how bad I am because I have the white skin and the penis. I don't like it. I was a progressive because I wanted to help. I just became a punching bag for misplaced anger. You call me a white nationalist racist now. You didn't want me. You told me I was the bad man. I won't conform to your illegitimate oppression hierarchy.


Fix your fucking mainstream pop-culture bullshit that these fake ass fucking activist are spewing in my schizophrenic face. I will not walk around the country, constantly telling everyone I meet, that I have schizophrenia, so that I don't have to take shit and be responsible for all the problems you think you know how to fix. The social justice catastrophe of 2021.


Anonymous ID: 82acd1 Jan. 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.12490384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Um. Can I put this more simply. You are perpetuating a cycle of violence, silence, and oppression in your own communities because you want to destroy the white male identity so bad. Please stop judging me and one day I might return. Please stop telling eachother to judge me. Please stop telling people who are women or minorities that I need to submit to them because I am a white-male. I do not. I will not. I don't owe anyone. Not anymore.


Put a fucking leash on your activist groupies and stop telling them it is productive to call people racists cause they don't even know what racism is. Stop messaging that the white male is bad. I do understand what you are doing. But you are making mistakes. You are failing to properly educate.


These "oppressed activist" believe they have a moral right over me or something. My opinion and ideas don't matter because I must submit to theirs. I know these are not accurate interpretations of progressive ideas.


However, you are letting "social justice" mobs run loose and they are having a counter-productive impact on your stated goals. It doesn't make sense. It is frustrating. I don't agree with all the crap going on over their in the progressive party. I dunno who is in charge of that nonsense. Your racist cauliflowers and cardboard signs ain't solvin' the environmental crisis or wealth inequality. I do know that.


P.S. men don't spread their legs on the bus to dominate the female species. It is because my testicles get sweaty and stick to my inner thigh.


P.S.S. Sometimes when I want to share an opinion, I offer supporting evidence or facts. I am not man-splaining. I am explaining in a way I think is normal and accurate. Sorry to insult your gender with my facts or opinions that go over my time limit.


P.S.S.S. I was born in the midwest. I hold doors for men and women. I think it is polite. Stop looking at me like I have destroyed your human rights and smeared the soul because I hold the door for you. It isn't because I think your cute. It is because I was born with a family who taught me to do things like hold the door for the people behind me. It has nothing to do with disrespecting you. Promise.