Anonymous ID: 643462 Jan. 12, 2021, 6:17 p.m. No.12491510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1550 >>1563 >>1597 >>1616

It has become overwhelmingly clear on the staggering depth and breadth of infiltration by the Chinese into what appears to be almost every sphere of our society. This wasn't accomplished overnight. I have a question. What in the fuck was our intelligence agencies including MI doing while all of this was taking place over the last 20, 30 years?


What did y'all do when Bill Clinton allowed Loreal Aerospace to supply the Chinese the gyroscope technology to get their rockets off the launch pad without emulating a fucking errant bottle rocket? It appears all of these defenders of America were just sitting there with their thumbs up their fucking asses doing nothing. From Feinstein to Swallwell to academia, media, hollywood, sports and now? The compromised, criminal motherfucker getting ready to assume the most powerful office on the God Damn planet. Joe Biden. Literally, bought and paid for by the Chinese CCP.


What were y'all doing Q? Care to drop us some information about that?

And while I'm at it. Remember that "oath" you took? When are you fucks gonna take the situation now at hand, serious enough to do what needs to be done? Ready to defend this nation all over the fucking planet from foreign enemies but when it comes to defending the most important aspect of national defense, the fucking Homeland, you've allowed US to be infiltrated and compromised at the highest levels of our government. "Remember your oath"-Q You reminded some fuck in one of your drops of this solemn duty. Well, your oath also states "Domestic Enemies". Right now, today, those Domestic Enemies are a Clear and Present Danger. The seditious, treasonous democrat party who's intentions are as loud as a F18 Super Hornet on take off. And they are backed by the Chinese CCP.

Do you Q, need to be reminded of your oath? You've blown a lot of smoke up our ass over the last 3 years. D Day is 1-20-2021. We all are going to know for damn sure whether you and Team, were ever serius in defending this Republic.