I dont think that's Hunter. Too fat.
yeah, I know. He had 1000's of images. Blackmail is commonly used against many people. Why wouldnt they show his face when they've showed it in every other pic? It's someone else. Maybe Hunter was using it to blackmail or providing it to someone else. Go look at the pics that came out on lude media of Hunter. Hunter is much slimmer. The guy in the pic has flabby arms and a paunch. Not him.
they will impeach, then try to physically remove him from the WH, he will leave on AF1, WH will burn in the fight, martial law declared, the traitors rounded up and all hung from the Capitol Rotunda. How's that for a movie?
those of you saying goodnigt, telling us to buckle up, telling us we are loved, (which disturbs me more than any shill) will you be sleeping tonight?
ok, whatever's coming, let it come.