Doesn't work that way. Prove your claims or shut the fuck up
Jidf boogeyman has not been around in 15+ years. They must have skull-fucked you idiots realbad.
I giggle at your repeated demonstrations of how lame you are
Still failing, hallmark of the IRGC
Same stupid shit for years now. They didn't get a raise in all that time?
To piss of journos that never learned how to do any actual investigative reporting. Anons are the News now
Are they enjoying watching the Iranians flail and seethe and fail as much as I am?
Nope, fail again. Your posts have proven nothing more than your incompetence
Dumb shit from dumb shits is what you have? That's it?
Congratulations, you have achieved a level of lame of a magnitude that Canadian cartoons will never be able to match!
Here you are recycling the same old lame shit over and over and making yourselves look like the losers you are. I laugh at your feebleness
The Greeks of Athens were Jews in togas?
Nope, just more recycled lame. They only have one folder for all of them
Now can we have this?
Failure repeated is just more failure. Commies are athiests. Shills are failures
I remember when you tried that one six months ago. Still lame
I remember that one from a year ago. Such failure
You gonna miss out
Recycled lame, much fail
Closet homo Iranians