Anonymous ID: 83ccd6 Jan. 12, 2021, 9:12 p.m. No.12494075   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Tort Claim Trumpets for Trump

The American People vs. United States Government Democratic Party & its Agents

Agents being named – members of the Associated Press including but not limited to: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Politico, The New York Times, and even now (that money has changed hands) FOX news.

Agents being named – members of Social Media including but not limited to: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, YouTube & Google is to be put on notice.

So here is the twist – The United States Government is not protected by the Freedom of Press nor the 230 protections provided to the media and social platforms (Simply put: the government cannot control the narrative.).

Although the Government is protected under Sovereign Immunity (Simply put, the property in which they own, belongs to the government as a WHOLE.)

The Agents in which they have recruited do not enjoy the same immunity, the property in which they possess are personal belongings, not the people’s belongings.

By simply naming the Democratic Party and them removing them as a defendant, Sovereign Immunity will no longer apply, the agents then become accountable for their role.

It may seem an unprecedented law suit, certainly nothing that has been attempted in the past.


But Supreme Court Case Law that prevents Government from controlling the narrative in which people are allowed to hear, dates back to 1780’s, and is at the very foundation of the Constitution of the United States.

• A 3 yr. investigation into a Russian Collusion hoax (narrative to match)

• Approx. 1 yr. false impeachment proceedings (narrative to match)

• Non-Reporting – Misinforming – Misrepresenting (all with narratives to match)

• Members of the Associated Press labeling all opposing posts with an AP attachment directing all viewers away from anything but the narrative.

• (The AP has called the Presidential Race for Joe Biden. See more on Google)

• (Robust Safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results.)

• Facebook, Twitter censorship – suspension of multiple accounts with opposing views.

• (including, but certainly not limited to, The President of the United States)

• YouTube censorship & Feed Interference.

• Google search engine re-direction.

So would this be considered evidence? Or would this simply be another case of no proof of wide spread involvement? (personally, we like to call that fraud & corruption – but of course we must be careful – it certainly doesn’t follow their narrative.)

This is our label: “The AP has called this race on behalf of the justice & integrity” in this case AP stands for American People.

We at Trumpets for Trump, like the rest of you, think that someone needs to be held accountable. But we would like the right people, the people who were involved at the upper levels, the people that show no shame nor give no apology, the people that believe they have the right to manipulate, narrate, and determine what is best for ALL of us….we would like these people to live with the same basic rules in which we do “ if you break it – you buy it” !!!

I can’t express how important your signature is to our petition – I am but one small voice – but together we become an overwhelming force, a sea of voices – that cannot & will not be ignored.