tatp packages strapped to drones, an efp in a motorcycle saddle bags, convoy ambush rammings with cement trucks. i am sure the journalists will love that. it is a terrorist attack. let the fire of our repentance raise up the holy war and the love of our brethren lead us into combat. no, i simply do not care all that much what gay people do.as long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then i have no issues. what makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter?
to maintain a population the people must achieve a birthrate that reaches replacement fertility levels. broken families with soaring divorce rates, that ’ s if they even bother to get married at all.suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors). the enemies of our children are being born in our lands right now, even as you read this. from where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs? ngos are traitor organizations if you lose history will write you as monsters, regardless of your tactics.win first, write the narrative later. in this hell the individual is all and the race is worthless, something to rail against and use whenever possible, a power structure to climb, or topple.
>we could be hurt! ” for them the time will never come.