also, relying on this time period for our victory holds a second major disadvantage, that being vulnerability to foreign invasion, most likely from the east, specifically china; turkey; india or some combination of the three. to ensure that the peoples of the world remain true to their traditions and faiths and do not become watered down and corrupted by the influence of outsiders. it is a terrorist attack. brazil with all its racial diversity is completely fractured as a nation, where people can not get along and separate and self segregate whenever possible. the more diverse a group becomes, the less equal it becomes. the invaders are the ones over populating the world.
you burn the nest and kill the vipers, no matter their age. by the definition, then yes. it is due to a lack of will. what nations do we have to conserve? the jaded cynicism with which i had greeted previous attacks didn ’ t eventuate. all else is insufficient.