These breads are flying off the shelf!
My dad was LAPD. LAPD work for the dark side.
People join the deep state because they are too ugly to get laid another way.
Amen! Stay out of the sun.
>>12496386i I literally scare myself when I look in the mirror.
What ever happens it is Gods will.
I get that also!
But my wife looks at me like.."What the fuck?"
Is Trump a prophet? I doubt it but he knows how the world works.
This post makes Numerologists Horney.
I'm not even sure how that happened.
Sadly Q was fired because he couldn't relate with Americans.
Q at least made money. I do this shit for free.
Anons you never met Trump. He could be the white knife or Satan. Ease up on the cultism.
Woest movie ever made.
Thats why Q failed She didn't know Americans.
But she was really cheap.
At least we let a woman try.
My jaw is clenched so hard. Nope I'm not going to say what I know.
I'm kinds goofing off tonight because our leaders are being assholes
watch it its really stupid.
Trump quit fucking around spill the beans.
Dont be an asshole.
Mama likes actors.
Q Research America Is Built To Spread The Peace And Love Of God Edition Anonymous
>President Reagans First Lady was a moron.
Reagan was the first president to have more than one wife.
Trump kicked his ass with three.
Republicans love the Bible.
The Old Testament not the new.
Not the New Testament the old.
Thats easy if you are in your 80's.
The beach was one block away.
I usually surfed POP pier.
The Mormon Temple was creepier.
One was more boring than the next.
Did. you know no one who crushed your soul cares?
Los Angeles is the city of the fallen Angele.