Since you’re on the topic..go to all of Q’s drops and search the word “trust”.
“With love comes trust, schedule changes can be very painful”…
Just a few we were told to trust…
-Chain of Command
Not sure how to feel about it. I never trust people just because I’m told to trust them..that way they can’t fuck you over.
Not sure where I’m really going with this post but earlier I dug on every post with “Trust” in it for shits and giggles and got to thinkin…
Still have faith in POTUS and Q as the days dwindle down even though even some of those who did good work over the years for us are even saying it’s over..Grennel was a surprise.
Haven’t heard anything from reliable Patriots the past couple days..
I mean Do we really have to go through a CCP takeover in order for the sheep to wake the fuck up..
If our guys don’t TRUELY uphold the constitution instead of giving BULLSHIT LIP SERVICE we really are fucked kek.
People are actually okay with the President and millions of users being censored.
All of the fucking shit that they are sitting on and won’t release…that’s fuckin treason. I guess if we are fucked, at least we were given a heads up right? That’s enough concern fagging for me..just saw your post and went all hive mind