Anonymous ID: 326858 Jan. 13, 2021, 6:38 a.m. No.12498654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8679 >>8684 >>8732 >>8745 >>8798 >>9061 >>9153

Et tu Huckabee? (Sarah is his daughter). Politicians always suck


Mike Huckabee: Trump 'has sullied his own good reputation'


The former governor of Arkansas has some words of advice for the president.

ormer Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee says President Trump "has sullied his own good reputation" in the last month.


"We have to be honest, the last month has not been a good one for President Trump, he has sullied his own good reputation," Huckabee said in an interview Tuesday with Just the News. "And instead of using the last few weeks to celebrate the successes of his administration, and make the country really wish he was still going to be president, I think some of the rhetoric — and some of it wasn't all his fault, but still, he's being blamed, and the net result is people are going to be glad that he's not on the stage, creating the kind of the discord."


Huckabee, a strong Trump supporter since dropping out of the 2016 presidential race, told the John Solomon Reports podcast that for Trump to lead his supporters again, he will have to move beyond the election results and fight for the people.


"So he's gonna have to do some work of repair before he can come back and lead," Huckabee said. "Could he run again? I don't know. Only if he can sort of show that he can be that above-it-all leader and not just deal with his hurts. And I have said to him personally, and I've said this about him, when he is at his best is when he's fighting for the people. When he is at his worst, it's when he's fighting for himself."


When Trump stands and fights for the "disaffected citizen … he's unbeatable, and he's lovable," Huckabee continued. "And that's the Donald Trump, if he comes back, he'll be an important voice."


"But if all he does is to relitigate what went wrong in the election, and I think a lot of things went wrong, but sometimes we have to step back and just accept, life isn't fair," Huckabee said. "There are a lot of things in life. It's just not fair. And so we can nurse our hurts, or we can rise above them. If he can rise above them, he's got a great voice. But if he goes back and nurses his hurts and tells us and reminds us of how horrible the election was, I think he limits his influence and his voice."


Huckabee offered these words of advice for Trump as the House of Representatives is preparing to impeach the president for a second time. However, this time, more Republicans are expected to vote with the Democrats to impeach him than there were last year.


This is the result of the riot at the Capitol last Wednesday after Trump spoke at a "Stop the Steal" rally, which many Republicans, in addition to Democrats, have blamed the president for. These events have led several members of the administration to resign prior to Joe Biden's inauguration.

Anonymous ID: 326858 Jan. 13, 2021, 6:53 a.m. No.12498817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9061 >>9153

We will never forget the betrayal, NEVER! THE GOP AND DEMS ARE GOING DOWN LIKE TIMBER. I wonder if any of these opinion writers understand that all politicians have lost


The GOP-corporate divorce is a blessing for the party’s future


By Sohrab Ahmari


January 12, 2021 | 7:22pm | Updated

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November’s election revealed that the class realignment of our two parties is solidifying. Democrats have increasingly emerged as the party of upscale suburbs, of Silicon Valley and Hollywood and Wall Street, of the owners of capital and the professionals who service them. The GOP, meanwhile, is trending toward a multiracial working-class party, preferred by those who generally make their living by toil.


So why are conservatives fretting about corporate America cutting off the GOP, a process merely accelerated by last week’s (disgraceful) mob assault on the Capitol? Did they think building a working-class party was going to be painless? That they could mouth pro-worker rhetoric while continuing to ignore workers’ concerns on issues like immigration and wages? A country-club party with blue-collar décor?


That jig was going to be up at some point. The sooner, the better — for an underrepresented American working class and for Republicans who take the realignment seriously.


The hypocrisy is galling. Last year, Amazon, Airbnb and a host of other marquee corporations funded a group, Black Lives Matter, founded by avowed Marxists. As peaceful protests over the killing of George Floyd devolved into riots, corporate America didn’t let up its uncritical embrace of a far-left movement seeking to #DefundthePolice.

see also


Trump says GOP doesn’t need to be beholden to big donors like Democrats


Now, many of those same companies have cut off donations to GOP lawmakers for exercising a right granted them under the Constitution, whatever the wisdom of their objections to certifying electors. Amazon and Airbnb, both donors to Black Lives Matter (the organization), are among them. So are many others that embraced BLM the movement: Salesforce. American Express. Marriott. Blue Cross Blue Shield. On and on.


But conservatives need to stop whining, because that gets boring. Yes, beginning in 2015, the entire US establishment arrayed itself against GOP populism. It did so in fear of President Trump’s threat to rejigger a postwar consensus that had worked out very well for the elite, not so much for workers. Trump only partially delivered. He was hampered at every step, and his best energies dissipated in the hot air of his online bluster.


The corporate backlash will no doubt scare some Republican faux-populists into dropping even their rhetorical gestures toward the working class. The old guard awaits the wayward prodigal, to return to the comfortable fold of marginal tax cuts and useless foreign wars. Picture Paul Ryan’s wingtips stamped on the face of the American right — forever.


But that would be a monumental mistake, because as 2016 showed and 2020 confirmed, the votes simply aren’t there for that. The old agenda threatened to turn the GOP into a regional rump party (see 2008 and 2012). By contrast, the Trump GOP, warts and all, expanded its appeal to Hispanics and young black men in 2020 while consolidating the white working class.


Today’s Democrats sure don’t represent this multiracial working class. The party and its Big Tech and Big Media allies deliver mostly for the HR department — a k a you’re fired for saying the wrong thing. Mass student-loan forgiveness would end up transferring wealth from everyone else to the cognitive elite. Amazon’s Democratic-approved wokery masks appalling working conditions and union-busting.


So the embarrassing task must fall a true party of the working class. I say “embarrassing,” because for one thing, today’s starkly unequal America is, in part, a product of policies Republicans championed for at least two generations (“700 percent interest loans for the poor are of the essence of libertuh!”). Class talk, moreover, smacks of Marxism and “socialism.”


But the multiracial working class doesn’t want socialism, either. That much, we also know from the 2020 results. What it wants is a market economy in which ordinary life isn’t so precarious, where health insurance just works, where you can raise a family in a culturally sane, orderly environment.


Is this a right-wing pundit’s idea of a pro-worker agenda? Maybe. But you know what? With their Amex cards cut off and Twitter accounts purged, would-be pro-worker GOPers now have an opportunity to visit union halls and trucker weigh stations and Amazon warehouses — and just listen

Anonymous ID: 326858 Jan. 13, 2021, 6:57 a.m. No.12498878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8899 >>8925 >>8929 >>9152

kekking so hard…I thought she said earlier half of us could have died. Why do they even report this bullshit?


AOC ‘I thought I was going die’ during Capitol riot


By Kenneth Garger


January 13, 2021 | 12:53am | Updated

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Anonymous ID: 326858 Jan. 13, 2021, 7:07 a.m. No.12499008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9061 >>9153

The Morning Briefing: Squish Republican Turncoats Are More Vile Than Democrats

By Stephen Kruiser Jan 13, 2021 4:55 AM ET

The Scourge of the Fake Conscience Republicans


Happy Wednesday, intrepid travelers on the Kruiser Morning Briefing Way. The minstrels will be here at noon.

Obviously, the do-over isn’t happening. We’re going to have to wade through whatever slog the universe keeps throwing at us.


One of the unfortunate by-products of being on the side of the political aisle that isn’t a hive mind is that one often finds oneself at odds with members of one’s own party. That’s something the Democrats rarely have to deal with. Yeah, they have their little spats but they play nice when it counts. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad have enjoyed giving Nancy Pelosi grief since they got into office but they all voted for her re-election as Speaker.


It’s that way with legislation too. When the Democrats need the votes, the majority of the time they’ll bury a hatchet or two and do what’s needed.


Republicans aren’t like that, and a lot of that has to do with — you guessed it — the media. Democrats get love from the media no matter what they do. Not so much with the Republicans, of course. The weaker among us are tempted by occasional flashes of attention from the media. There’s a formula to getting the attention: all they have to do is side with the Democrats.The Republicans who like to go begging for favor from the mainstream media will always tell you that they’re driven by conscience and deep principles.


That, my friends, is a trainload of hooey.

They’re pathetic emotional midgets who are desperate for attention. If they became full time Democrats, they’d just be one in a big crowd. If they remain Republican, they’ve got an easy, albeit brief, attention fix. Whenever their fellow Republicans need them, all they have to do is slip a shiv in their backs and they get a pure hit of New York Times love for a few days.


There have been a few Republicans running for cover since the riot at the Capitol. And by “running for cover” I mean “saying whatever the Democrats want you to say.” I spoke to several conservative friends last Wednesday. All were upset about the mob, but they were all also upset about the Republicans who couldn’t wait to score some CNN points.


As the Democrats prepare to spend the last few days of Trump’s presidency screaming “ORANGE MAN BAD!” with another impeachment charade, the faux principles Republicans have an opportunity to get an “Atta Boy!” from Jake Tapper.

Or an “Atta Girl!”


Liz Cheney has been getting a lot of spotlight action because she’s the highest ranking House Republican to turn on the president. We’re now going to be regaled by the MSM for a few weeks with stories about the rarefied moral air she occupies while brunching with Mitt Romney.


There are even rumors now that Mitch McConnell may be ready to get on board with impeachment, but they’re just that so far. If the rumors are proven true it won’t be surprising. McConnell was garbage before Trump gave him a spine.


The Republicans are headed for an internecine struggle for the post-Trump soul of the party. Cheney and her ilk believe that there’s going to be a correction that makes the GOP the weak clown show that it was in the immediate pre-Trump years. The GOP that nominated Mitt Romney to throw a presidential election.That’s not really where any of this is going. If it is, the Republican party will merely be the moderate wing of the Democratic Party.


While we’re dealing with whatever the Harris-Biden administration unleashes on us, the Republicans need to steel themselves and marginalize the Cheney-Romney invertebrates within its ranks. My good friend and colleague, RedState Editor-at-Large Kira Davis summed it up nicely yesterday:


Democrats are keeping lists. But Republican and conservative voters are keeping lists too, and they are noting who is participating in this ridiculous charade. Again, Trump voters aren't disappearing just bc his twitter account did. Vote accordingly @GOP

— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) January 13, 2021

Anonymous ID: 326858 Jan. 13, 2021, 7:23 a.m. No.12499214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

all of these companies benefited from Chyna virus government assistance. I doubt they gave much to replubicans

Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

By Victoria Taft Jan 12, 2021 4:42 PM ET


But, people predisposed to hating the president and hyper-sensitive to the sensitivities of the institutions run by the political Left have spoken. They’ve cut off the president, his friends, colleagues and, in some case, his fans. The New York Times reported a cohort of companies from banks to health care companies are temporarily halting their PAC giving to any political parties.


The following is a list of companies that have cut off the president and/or friends or political party is culled from various news stories, among them from Axios, The New York Times, the Associated Press and other publications.


Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world, owned by the richest man in the world, who also owns The Washington Post, cut off donations to Republicans who fought election fraud and demanded an extension of the voting in the Electoral College.


Professional Golf Association of America

High Tech/Social Media









Lehigh University

Wagner College

Middlebury College

Vermont’s uber liberal Middlebury College is considering revoking Rudolph Giuliani’s honorary law doctorate, given for his valiant response to 9/11, but they don’t like him anymore.


American Express


Morgan Stanley


New York State Bar Association




Comcast owns NBCUniversal, NBC TV, local NBC stations, Xfinity, Telemundo, not to mention film companies and recreational parks.


Dow Chemical


Blue Cross Blue Shield


Marriott International

The hospitality company Marriott International, which besides its own eponymously named hotels owns nearly 5,400 other properties, including the luxe The Ritz Carlton brand, Autograph Collection Hotels, St. Regis and many others, says it’s cutting off the GOP because of the “destructive events at the Capitol” which undermined “a legitimate and fair election.”



Hallmark owns publishing, television networks, retail stores, and even the Crayola art materials company.


The company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’”

Cumulous stations host Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and many other conservative hosts across the country.

Other Companies Halting All Political Donations

The New York Times reports that the following companies also plan on halting all political donations from their political action committees for the foreseeable future.

They are JPMorgan Chase, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Visa, American Airlines, BP, and Coca Cola.

Airbnb and FedEx are studying their political giving before making any further announcements.