No one is coming to DC. Not even Biden for the inauguration. This is dumb.
Not true.
I have questions. So its a tv special on inaiguration night but is he going to be inaugurated or not? Its actually a thing that he has to do to he president so…? Is Tom hanks swearing him in? Wtf?
Complete blackout.
The mil would have to fight against us or the president would have to nuke his own country for us to lose.
In every state.
It's creeping me out that all the mainstream everything is just all back to "normal" life. Diet recipes, fluffy stories about puppies, etc. But they are also not mentioning anything about Biden becoming president next week either. Its like no one knows what day/month/year it is anymore. Its just the same day over and over again when we all know a "bomb" is about to go off.
You better not he Q. Lol.
America cant even get a legit house chaplain. Thats how compd we are.
My dogs hate you.
Also, I sleep with my gun.