Is this the real interest in antartica? Part of (((their))) last ditch homebase in the event ME base fails?
>You will know them by their fruits
Bottom line, once true discernment and freedom are restored, we won't have to use secondary identifiers to spot the good from bad, and the cry of (((racisss))) becomes moot.
When you prevent ppl from learning about/criticizing/judging certain (((protected classes))), you are disarmed against defending yourselves, and you find yourselves enslaved. Many such cases.
Allow full info, full choice, instituted and protected by honorable, vetted leaders, and the problem will sort itself out.
If you're so afraid of repeat shoahs, why the repeat infiltration and subversion of our bases?
Why poke the tiger? Why not live apart?
This is why the goyim know.
>lurked moar
>learned things
>contributed things
>is now anon
Hive mind hopes precedent is set here