She should be forced to resign for demonstrating contempt for Congress
so says the embedded Congressional CCP agent
Looks like a spreading problem to me… like some kinda virus I saw spreading this time last year
I suppose turtle meat must be tenderized before using it as a soup ingredient
expect moar of these stories and moar peeps look into the abyss
Gab has many frens
I have no problem… you must be doing it wrong
So Help Me God
Luke 12:49-56
49 “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!
50 I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished.
51 Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!
52 From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against—or two in favor and three against.
53 ‘Father will be divided against son
and son against father;
mother against daughter
and daughter against mother;
and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law
and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.’”
54 Then Jesus turned to the crowd and said, “When you see clouds beginning to form in the west, you say, ‘Here comes a shower.’ And you are right.
55 When the south wind blows, you say, ‘Today will be a scorcher.’ And it is.
56 YouHYPOCRITES!You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.
No compromises, no surrenders
Unify in the Light
Separate from the Darkness
Dark to Light
Divide Truth from Lies