>>12501454 (lb)
Not too shabby, FJ.
>>12501454 (lb)
Not too shabby, FJ.
What the actual fuck?
I mean, I've come across questionable stuff before, but seriously? Fucker is straight peddling CP out in the open like this?
Yeah, but you know what? It needs to happen. The world needs to see to truth. What's that shit Q likes to say? Sometimes you can't tell them, you have to show them?
Anons are all watching what's happening, and wondering pretty much the same shit. Some are confident that we are finally at the "Military is the only way" portion of the movie. Others think there's a possibility that you could interpret some drops to mean that Biden will be president for a short time, followed by some craziness and order of succession, then military. Some, hopefully very few, think we might actually be fucked, and @POTUS pulled a switcheroo and ushered in the NWO agenda they've been warning us about for the past 4 years. That last group are dumb.
We have trafficking busts going on nearly daily on American soil for the past 4 years. Many of those criminal networks, with help from the wall, have been dismantled. You cannot deny that for all the kayfabe with rotating positions in nearly all of government under @POTUS, actual things had to have been going on this entire time.
Lots of rats walked right into traps. Lots of folks are either already indicted, or soon to be. If you took Rudy's school of doing "RICO" cases, and combined it with matters of national security (foreign interference in our government and elections), I could imagine there'd be a scenario where Federal Prosecutors could work with Military personnel in prosecuting these fucking sick pieces of shit in Military Tribunals. Thankfully, President Donald John Trump signed this nifty little EO a couple of years ago:
What does it say at the bottom?
Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law.
I typed all that up to say this. If we aren't going to be in for quite the show in the next few days, we sure did go through a whole lotta SHIT just to do absolutely NOTHING about it. 4 years. After 4 years of this insanity, you really think all these people have completely turned their backs on @POTUS? @POTUS called for millions to march/rally, and you think he didn't already know that Antifa had planned what they had planned? You think everyone that's in Antifa is actually antifa?
>Antifa mapping began long ago.
I do not have a crystal ball. There are no sci-fi magical equipments being used. There are no schumann waves, UFO tech, magical pixie dust, or time machines being employed here. Just some facts, some insider info from Q, and a timeline of planned, scripted, controlled events.
You have been, and still very much are, watching a movie. Some stuff that's happened wasn't supposed to happen. Some stuff that's happened had contingencies in place to work around them. Everything, for the most part, has been executed. That is, everything we know about.
Take comfort, and live your life. Here's a post I did yesterday with some ideas on how to think about the foreseeable future.
>>12488345 (pb)