There is nothing that needs 'refuting' you stupid kike.
Yes really, none of it NEEDS to be 'refuted' by any anon here you dumb jew.
Why are you demanding that any of that damning information be 'refuted' you dumb jew?
Unless you PREFER if it were refuted?
Like some sort of sick kike game where the only rules are that anons have to spend all day 'refuting' that damning information, while you intentionally suppress any and all investigations and posts about elite jew criminals?
Who are you trying to protect, kike?
The Democrat Party has gone completely insane.
>Have another
Another what, a Jew deflection/slide to protect elite jew criminals?
Yeah, we know that's what you're doing, kike.
Tell us something new.
Low IQ MOSSAD kvetching,
There is no 'Qanon'.
I wasn't speaking to you. Mind your own business torfag.
How do you know for sure?
There is no 'Qanon' - Q4881
Did you really believe your post is saying anything I wouldn't have already considered?
Q doesn't make arrests.
Some anon is just posting portions of past Q drops.
Anyone can do this.