More than one communication-system has to go dark, if we’re going dark, for a period of time. We know other countries have their own internet systems and that there are other clandestine, back-channels that have been established by ES, and others. When shit goes down, I wonder whose comms will go down first and who will be the one to take them out? And, if that kind of attack would be considered an actual, first-strike and we could respond with whatever? Seems like it would be. That kind of strike could be more devastating that a conventional, localized strike. I know Patriots are in control, so all their comms are belong to us, already. Just wondering. I’ll bet those guys who get to listen to them panic are having one helluva great week; probably getting an exponential amount of information, as the fuse burns quickly down to the big BOOM!
Ecclesiastes 8:7
"If no one knows what will happen, who can tell him when it will happen?"
Try to stay comfy. I dumped out all of my straggling, mixed up nuts, bolts, screws, nails and put them all in organized jars. If you have some fishing reels, throw them together in a box and shake it really hard, for about 20 minutes. Then open the box and untangle. It will take your mind off of things you can't know right now.