>They imposed their crap on me from a young age. It was anti-religion disguised as a multi-religious education.
>Maybe it wasn't directly intended to rob me of God as a child, but that is the impact.
Yes. Darwin was a satanist and a peddler of propaganda for the elites intended to destroy civilization from within. The point was to trick everyone into denying the existence of "God". If there is no "God", then you waive your certain inalienable Rights, "willingly".
The sad part is that these concepts were forced upon innocent children too young to decide. Meanwhile, key information was selectively omitted from "science" that would certainly lend credence to what may or may not be described as "Nature's God". The worst part is, the word "God" need not be used to best describe what we observe taking place in Nature. Yet, for some reason, that is precisely what has been omitted, and this has no gone on for over a half a century where every man, woman, and child was forced to learn these specific falsifications, lest they be deemed "unfit" to contribute to society in any meaningful way. BIGGEST FRAUD EVER!!!