The definitive list of liberal, progressive and/or anti-Trump, agenda driven companies that you should boycott
The Cardinal rule of business is to never even discuss politics, yet some companies have recklessly chosen to alienate half the country by attacking Donald Trump and Republicans, and/or supporting the false narrative of systemic racism in police and in everyday life. These companies are a threat to not just conservative speech but free speech and freedom in general. If we do nothing, then their political agendas become the norm.
Many of these companies have been bullied by radical activists into supporting the Marxist hate group Black Lives Matter and other race mongering groups. Some companies have capitulated by posting a quick tweet or burying a pandering web page, while others have clearly gone above and beyond a little lip service to appease the angry mob by making huge donations to go along with vitriolic rhetoric. In order to get on this boycott list, a company had to do more than just post a quick tweet. Additionally, some companies on this list are run by or employ rabid Democrats who have attacked Trump and/or have donated to Democrat political campaigns, have pulled advertising from FOX's good shows, are anti-2nd Amendment, anti-1st Amendment, have furthered anthropogenic global warming hysteria, etc.
Our freedoms are under assault by leftist companies. This is why we MUST take action.
What can you do to resist (where applicable)?
1) Sell any individual stock that you may own in these left-wing companies.
2) Let them know that you do not support their left-wing agenda! Hound them to support good causes such as the American Center for Law and Justice, Gun Owners of America, the Heritage Foundation, the RNC, etc.
3) Look the other way if you see one of their stores being looted and destroyed by BLM and ANTIFA… Don't call the police! Many of these hypocritical companies are complicit in furthering the defund-the-police narrative. In most states, mere failure to report a crime isn't a crime in itself. However, there are some exceptions.
4) Support other companies instead. If a company is not mentioned on this page, then you can assume that generally they are apolitical and thus can be supported. When faced with a choice of companies that are all on this list, pick the one that you find least offensive. We understand that it may be impractical or impossible to boycott all of these companies, but just keep in mind that there are many ways to partially boycott a company.
Examples: Do not buy food, drinks or NFL attire if you attend NFL games. Sneak your own food and drinks onto flights with airlines on this list. Use open source software instead of Microsoft software. Feel free to liberally demand refunds, discounts, and return of products bought from these companies when you might otherwise feel timid.
5) Post a link to this page on social media! Copy and paste this list onto your own website if you wish. Our boycotts matter! Just ask Target Stores! Just ask Goodyear! Just ask Walmart regarding ending gun and ammo sales!
6) Let us know if we're missing a company that deserves to be on this evergrowing list and why.
7) "Cut the cable" or at least scale back your cable TV package. Stop supporting left-wing propaganda networks like MSNBC, CNN, HBO, TNT, Comedy Central, etc.
8) Join the movement away from Big Tech. Support alt-tech news and social media.