what a faggot gerbil…same post replied with two IDs, same text pattern..so easy to see
youre a fucking idiot lmao
im anon calling bullshit out..bread been getting fucked and we havent had a baker change that ive seen seen the clown baker made the "all the way to gitmo bread missing q research banner
youve probably seen my original images
the person posting that banner is defintely sucking gerbils dick in the comments
and thats my fucking proof right there, gerbil is with the person posting the qanon banner, i need no more information after that
it isnt a fucking bit either, its so the media can push QANON bullshit and then boom theres a banner in every single fucking thread that says QANON, pay attention
okay sauce then
and hes posting from multiple IDs giving the illusion of anons backing him
if you can read this..why would you keep posting that shit here…?
how cute, gerbil using anime q banner
Bored? nope. calling out faggot bakers because of bread problems
let me know when you get messages like this
yeah imagine thinking that a board of people over 140 IQ's and they think they can tell us stupid shit like that like we're stupid..i asked them if they can read where Q said no such thing as Qanon so why do you keep posting it…crickets no response
=mmmm you can carry your strawman argument ack home and put it in your purse little man
i did not provide a defintion of extreme actions
youre a fucking idiot, im talking about the faggots posting the qanaon banner dumbass
another glowie in here
first of all im german and native american lol and atheist, get something right next time lol
yo this is the fact check for the affadavit of that guy from Leonardo Ska wtf, where doe the letter say any of this shit in the headline?
fact checkers giving us crumbs lmao
court of public opinion is not a court of law