Hello, I've had trouble with DNS and if I use a hosts file and put in an IP then it will screw with the ID and I got the same ID as some else today in multiple breads!
I reverted the host and now I have a unique ID.
So though this will show two posts, I have made 4 in this bread (after posting this one).
and your the one who had the same ID as I started with.
so two with your id are my posts.
they have released specialize 'holiday gift' notes for probably 20 years.
it's a very big seller. Chinese like to give cash on Holidays, and 8888 is lucky.
it's called marketting.
what is wrong with you?
so that's three anon with the same id. Two of the 7z373a posts were mine: the one about buying old travel books (which was the first use of the ID) and then the one where I came back and saw that someoen else had the ide. Then I modified the hosts file back, rebooted and here were are.
so three diff anon have the same id. It's like tor for everyone here now!
That's not true, I am sure I saw some on Saturday last.
It's a real guy so . . . he has his time here when he's here.
and then the shills use it.
not sure someone even said it was Jim.
screw off.
We adore our service members. Even when they vote in way we dispise I can't stop saying in my head 'thank you for your service' when it gets right to it.
if anything happened to him for real I'd be pissed. better not fuck with these service members!
when I use the hosts method, I end up having a duplicate id.
So I'm using the 'reset the router every hour' method.