I actually do have some opinions about my relationship to MAGA. You can say I am being rude, but I will disagree with you over and over and over.
Whatever. i would do it myself if i could. I would go do politics and shit. but I don't and I can't really very easily. so i just sit here and spew ideas about what i would do if i was a politician.
anyway. I got a criminal record, and i am federally disabled schizophrenic alcoholic that lost all my teeth before i turned forty. I guess none that prevents me from being a #maga politician, but I dunno that I want to try and overcome all those hurdles.
anyway. long story short. i think the #maga labor class needs to figure out how to enslave all the experts legally.
I do think we have classes in this country. There are people who work in offices and stuff and people who work in trades and stuff.
I don't think university skills are worthless and I think trade skills are undervalued. I just happen to have more university training that trade skills. I can barely use tools. Nobody taught me how. I am hafway through my life and I don't have any skills, like I dont produce anything or know how to fix anything. I exaggerate a little, I have basic skills in different stuff, but I am not qualified to be employed doing anything.
So back before Q I was thinking about stuff. I just saw the university and the buildings and then all the surrounding farmland and the countryside. The state reminded me of a castle. Kings and serfs. The expert class in the city basically "enslaving" the labor class around them.
I think the value of expert labor is highly overvalued compared to the laborer. The expert class has convinced the labor class that this is called capitalism. But I don't think they understand all the rules of capitalism. If the people with all the money, the kings, doesn't relieve the peasants debt. The peasants all go nuts with torches and pitchforks and nobody can control the mob. Revolution, resistance, I think, is a natural check on unchecked capitalism.
Soo. I was sitting around thinking about what all these experts were doing all day. I don't think that America needs so many experts and paper pushers. I guess paper pushers are doing something. But, I think like 40% of GDP comes from financial services. I don't know what the hell that is exactly, but I don't think it means they are charging everyone a couple bucks a month for a checking account. It some derivatives based high frequency trading profit or something. Whatever financial services is, someone should tell me, considering it is like the biggest thing America produces.
I just think the experts say you need more experts and they always think experts are the solution to all the problems. They hire more experts to solve problems for the laborer.
Anyway. I want to be a good "expert". Look, I don't have a degree or anything. But, I do know how to calculate overhead for a farm or something. I can tell someone when they are being pissed on in a contract. I know lip service and pandering when I see it and I love ratting out politicians. Eh. Maybe I will be of no service to the #maga people. Maybe they don't want me.
I just think the labor class needs to reverse the paradigm and "enslave" the experts. You can own all the property, charge them rent, let them work on your farm as your accountant and pay them $15 dollars hour. I don't know. That seems to be the name of the game.
I just hope #maga can get off trump and figure out what they want from the a political party without Trump. Like trump was their guiding ideological force, even though I think he was blowing smoke up working-class ass sayin' that DOW was helping everyone out. Everyone just kinda nodded about how rich they were getting in the markets, but alot of republicans really dont have much investe, of anything.