Anonymous ID: 5bd877 Jan. 14, 2021, 12:15 a.m. No.12512696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2730 >>2731 >>2744 >>2795 >>2876 >>3006


No, this idea doesn't fly…and here are a few reasons why.


Q has said military reports directly POTUS. If Biden is sworn in…HE commands the fucking military at that point. THAT alone, should be enough to dispel that bullshit notion.


Also, that would not allow for things to be "clean and swift" as Q claimed they would be. We'd be at full on war at that point, because Trump would be the one trying to over throw the government.


If Trump allows Biden to be sworn in, he has allowed a traitor/CCP asset take control of the US, which, in turn, means he violated HIS oath of office.


So, if Biden is actually sworn in on the 20th…we can kiss our asses Goodbye.

Anonymous ID: 5bd877 Jan. 14, 2021, 12:24 a.m. No.12512760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everything I said WAS logical, shitnuts. Is this some kind of coping mechanism people are trying to come up with, if Biden gets sworn in? Instead of having to face the idea that Q was bullshit? I mean, I don't see that happening…but you'd have to be a complete idiot to not roll the idea around in your head. Moving the goal posts won't make it better. 20th is THE red line. The hard line. Any time between now and the 20th…but not a day longer… we find out how this shit is going to go.