>Shitpost away!
>Fuck that plan. Once sworn in, the military would need to obey his orders.
Kind of like the DOJ would need to obey POTUS's orders?
>Did I just spend +30 plus years of my life willing to die for people like Schumer? Pelosi? Schiff? Swalwell? And the 6 or 8 Republicans who voted for an impeachment?
Hate to tell you, but it was an even ten.
Give it some time, fren.
Soldiers know how to wait, and POTUS will have his revenge.
>Q has said military reports directly POTUS. If Biden is sworn in…HE commands the fucking military at that point. THAT alone, should be enough to dispel that bullshit notion.
If MIL knows incoming POTUS is comped, MIL has a duty not to be commanded.
Think logically, retard.
>There were a few days I couldn't smell or taste. Not even bacon.
…but then we have Mexicans.
>If they come in my house, they're cooking and cleaning! And if she's hot, well…
Latina girls are pretty until they're thirty. Then they look like their fathers.
>Think logically. Do you honestly believe that POTUS will violate his oath to the Constitution and handover power to a criminal organization?
If he knows the military won't let it habben, yes.