No one's mentioned the FISA rumour?
"He has the receipts on how the election was rigged and everyone involved. Trump used FISA Section 702 to spy on both the DNC and the Biden Campaign, just as they did to him in 2016. Section 702 allows you to surveil a foreign individual without a warrant, but if that foreign individual communicates with another person, you can then surveil on all of that individuals communications (phone calls, text, email, etc) as well, then they can surveil whoever that person communicates with, so on and so forth into infinity.
>Use in Criminal Court: 702-acquired informationmay be used as evidence against U.S. persons in criminal courtfor certain broad categories of “serious crimes.” For investigations that do not fall into one of those categories, there is no restriction on using 702-acquired information to obtain other evidence thatcanbe used in court. The use of information gathered under 702 without a warrant against U.S. persons creates anend-run around the Fourth Amendment, which requires a probable cause finding by an independent body.
They likely know this is what occurred, since it’s literally impossible for Trump to be immune to leaks within his Administration, which is why they allowed the Capitol to be stormed last week, and why they pushed hard and fast to Impeach him today."