Pointing out the democrats hypocrisy, trying to embarrass and humiliate them no matter how flagrant and egregious their actions are doesn't even phase them. Their dnc media has a large enough reach that they literary don't give it a second thought. Not only did they just pulled off the biggest, criminal scam in the history of the world and they did so with a candidate and his family who are irrefutably bought and paid for by the Chinese CCP. This national security threat, the biggest, blatantly obvious threat ever to be pushed against this nation is now going to be sitting in the Oval Office. This fact and the fraudulent election isn't even in the news cycle now. Every network, including FNC has accepted this theft. Think they give a shit? They could care fucking less. THEY RULE AMERIKA.
Q, POTUS, all of you. You are going to have to pull a fucking miracle out of all of your asses, literally at the same time, to stop this. I don't believe you are going to be able to do it. You waited too long. Now we all are fucked.