Anonymous ID: 5ab020 Jan. 14, 2021, 5:34 a.m. No.12514674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4750 >>4796 >>4816 >>5078 >>5086 >>5105 >>5124 >>5141 >>5197 >>5232 >>5296



Let me be clear. I believe in Jesus and I try to do what's right. Foremost in my book of right morals is honesty. Deception is warranted in warfare. That is not the same as dishonesty. Honesty starts within. I cannot be honest with anybody if I am not honest with myself. I do not pretend to see otherwise than I see, nor to feel otherwise than I feel. And this is how I feel right now. Despite Jesus's injunction to love my enemy, I do not. I hate the enemy with such passion that I would gladly lay down my life for the chance to deliver but one of the million cuts it will take to fell him, to dismember him, and to consign his remains to the poor dirt that is cursed to take them in.


I hate the enemy. There can be no love in me for an enemy that wishes to destroy our lives and the futures of our children. There can be no love in me for an enemy that engages in the trafficking, torture, rape, ritual murder, and even bodily consumption of people. There can be no love in me for this enemy, and I refuse to pretend to myself that there can be. I hate the enemy, and can only hope I live to see the day that the enemy is hanged by his own entrails.


However, I will say this. As I lack the means to effect appropriate vengeance on the enemy, I pray that the One who is in no way lacking in such means, and who possesses the omniscient wisdom that I so sorely lack, will see fit, and see fit soon, to destroy the enemy such that the only trace of him to be found is in the field of human memory, forevermore.


I will be honest with you all, and when I say “you all”, I am of the mind that that includes Q personnel who monitor this board. The President's Alamo speech was probably one of the lowest points of my entire life. I hated the weakness that POTUS showed. Even if it was only Art of War theatrics, I hated it. I cursed the President. I despised him. I started on this journey of waking up many long years before POTUS came along with this novelty called “hope”. To have come this far and to have sacrificed so much, and to be strung along with “hope” these last four years, only see the enemy gloat as my Commander-in-Chief muttered through a low dick energy speech wherein he enunciated the phrase “Biden Administration” sent me flying into a white hot inner rage that I am still coming to terms with. For if that is the price to be paid for four years of “hope”, no thank you. I would much rather never have had it at all. So I am admitting to this board, to all and sundry, that I did curse the President for his Alamo speech. I cursed him and I soldiered on.


I am aware that it is wrong to feel this way. Yes, emotions can be wrong. I won't lie about having them. Nor will I lie to myself, saying they are right. This is when action is paramount. What I do is the one thing I can control. My MO is memefagging, which I consider to be a prayerful, and even a magical art. An art of devotion, an art that harnesses the power of human intent. So my way of doing penance for my intemperance is to soldier on making the best memes I can. Sometimes they take hours, and the work is hell on my eyes and neck. Besides praying, that's all I have to offer.


With this confession, I deliver my POTUS Patton #5. Special thanks to you anons who have had such kind words to say about my work, and especially special thanks to the anon who keeps giffing these things. I looked in the android store for that app you told me about, but it isn't available in the country of exile where I live.


One last thing. I am memefag, not autist. Looking at the work of autists gets me crosseyed in a hurry. So if you are so sure of our victory as per Q drops, understand that some of us cannot see the big picture as you do. Too much cranium, not enough brain. Autists are not the only ones who need patience sometimes.


I wrote so much text. If you read all of it, God bless you. God bless you also if you didn't. Those of you who are just here to shit on people who are still comfy, go fuck yourselves. I hope to still be shitposting with you magnificent faggots on the other side of a victory that presently is difficult for this anon to see.

