>Twatter unsuspended me out of the blue, are they getting a little desperate for users now?
Then get back to twatting in support of POTUS. Let those fuckers know you will not comply
>Twatter unsuspended me out of the blue, are they getting a little desperate for users now?
Then get back to twatting in support of POTUS. Let those fuckers know you will not comply
>Talk of impeachment made me consider that with the 2020 election being fully rigged by the [D party] we learned the 2016 election got "unrigged" …So then the 2018 election must have been "half rigged" to throw the house on purpose but keep the senate
Not buying it either.
Also, the Dems have it all. Why push for this impeachment before the 20th when if they just wait until the 21st, they automatically have all the votes they need in the Senate? Does not add up to me