Prepare for the worse and pray while keeping love in your heart, then you've done all you can do. Sit back and stay calm and comfy, God has this, trust in him, trust his plan.
I survived cancer, it was another life lesson God sent my way. From those days I learned a few things, I learned what's really important in life (Love) and what's not, 99% is just noise. Worry and panic will gain you nothing! No matter how dark your day may seem, there are others out there who have it worse than you and yet they still carry on with life smiling. God will never send you more then you can handle, you are so much stronger than you think, but you'll never know until tested. We each have an end date, worrying about when that day will come is a waste of your valuable time, it's not how long you live, it's how you live. Maybe most importantly, all we go through in this life, they are lessons, call them tests if you will, we are on a road back home, we are here to learn. And God has placed us here, now during these days, we are here for a reason and we are blessed, remember that.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.