>>12513375 (lb)
>"Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land."
>"The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country."
>I just don't see the inauguration happening. Do you?
Jim Rickards talks about "the wilderness of mirrors" - a concept he learned when consulting for the CIA. Point is you don't know if your perceptions are trustworthy…sure you may think you see something but is it really there or just an illusion.
I do not think Biden will officially be sworn in as POTUS if for no other reason than:
> 1. it would transfer control of the executive back to the cabal
> 2. following #1, it would transfer control of the military back to the cabal
> 3. if the legal/civilian system has failed, why the sudden need to start jumping through legal/civilian hoops…i.e. only after Biden is sworn in can we proceed to the next step in using the [failed] legal system
Now that's not to say they won't stage a swearing-in for optics…as to what possible reason why this would be good for optics I have no f'ing clue. This stuff is far above my pay grade but even my autistic, retarded self has a hard time articulating a situation where optics can be improved by holding a faux Biden swearing-in ceremony.
There was chatter yesterday about Trump already being sworn in on the 11th and you're seeing DC packed with National Guard troops, so my guess is they're planning on something and I doubt that something is the for the swearing-in of Biden, even if that's what the surface level analysis would seem to indicate.
I think the real issue is how to get as many American's onboard with what's happened…the optics, if you will
Trump / military could have at any point dropped the bigdick and done things 'the hard way' …kek… but there's been this slow play, this drip…drip…drip and while I by no means can see the big picture, I think one of the keys is getting the public mentally prepped for what they see so they can accept it.
Will also note fake news - POTUS's #1 enemy of the people - stands in DIRECT opposition to this end and if the goal is to save 19 out of 20 Americans from the lie [about 5% are lost forever], clever optics may be needed to facilitate this.