Frens, fellow anons, I have some somber news (not shilling, just reporting what I've heard).
Many of you know me, the Buffalo anon who little girl was molested and abused, who has STILL not received justice or had anyone help her.
I just got off the phone with a friend I recently made. This friend works in wildlife-control. I met him after he visited my home to get a squirrel out of our attic. He impressed me with his knowledge. (And his VERY impressive rifle set-ups he showed me pictures of). He is definitely a patriot, a conservative and understand (mostly) what is happening, politically. He gets employed as a side-job by law enforcement as a sharp-shooter for extreme events. When we initially chatted. I noticed he definitely was knowledgeable about shooting, though said he was not military. He did however say, that he has several friends who are retired Seals and other special operators.
Anyway, I called him today because I was curious about what he thought of everything going on. I said, I know you have friends that are ex-intel, Seals and such, and wondered what the chatter was…
He said, "Not good". And essentially relayed that there was "No hope". He explained that for every ONE good guy, there were THREE who would sell out for money. He said the deep-state is far too entrenched. The example he used was: Picture the corruption like a large speeding train. And "big" arrests are merely like taking a one bolt off of the train. (i.e. it won't stop the train). Granted, he was not aware of Pacer or the sealed-indictments, but like me, was doubtful that the military would swoop-in to arrest roughly 200k people in these last 6 days.
He said the best thing we can do now, is keep our Bible on the nightstand and hope for the best. This was a bit disheartening to me, as this man strikes me as quite the fcking badass, honestly. (I would NOT want to tangle with him, and I consider myself a pretty hard mothercker.) He was not confident that the military was going to save the day, at all. Was there a chance in his opinion? Sure… But not likely. He said he knows a bit about psy-op campaigns and how they are conducted and that our movement has all the makings of a demoralization campaign (Which I know many of us have considered at least one time or another).
Anyway… Not saying this add to the "demoralization". I am saying this because I think its responsible for freedom loving Americans, who care about our Constitution, to have a contingency-plan here, if the military and POTUS let us down. Folks, we can NOT let this nation fall into the hands of communist, pedophile, scum-bags. I would rather die fighting this scourge, than let these sorry POS ever gain a foothold in this nation.
Not encouraging violence… yet. But, if all goes to hell in hand-basket. I'll be in the fox-hole with those willing to do what is necessary.