Maybe we should let John Sullivan stay a free man and continue implementing everyone involved on tv?
Some half breed named Ford. Democrat.
Trust Wray was all about the end.
Fuck off. MLK would be leading blm marches today. Fuck off newfag.
Whatsup schlomo
Go watch Seinfeld reruns
Thx moishe
24/7 on the jewish history channels.
Trying doesn't mean believed. Faggot.
Agent Poso has been kinda kicking ass lately shi
If u always get ur way when do u think it is not gonna go ur way? When its too late
Start with the 5 antifa we knew about the day after 1/6 without even digging
Ford something
The only way to not be a nazi is to believevthe jew media. - jew media
We received the message jews.
Yes of course. False flagging and hoaxing and staging events is their MO.
To be completely clear. I only trust them WITH TRUMP IN CONTROL. Had to be said.
Not really faggot. MSM is calling all Trump supporters white supremacist domestic terrorists for small time bullshit the left antifa ultimately did and are caught dead to rights.
Now you piece of shit satanic faggot.