Inb4 they return, I'll fill the shill gap, shillnamingshill
He can always hide behind Kim's ass; they'll never find him
He also just disavowed Q by saying in livestream that it would be impossible for Iran to be able to set up the equipment to refine yellowcake, let alone to centrifuge yellowcake in the current war zone that is Syria (power outages, vibrations, dust etc..)
and that Q alludes to here
<<POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.>>
He has a valid point. But perhaps that is not what Q meant at all, but I don't have it all like Q claims to have, so I have to gather my sources from many different outlets to form my 40,000 foot view
But at the end of the video he reaffirms commitment to Corsi intel analysis & says he is losing faith in Flynn.
Having said that, if he is Sayanim as many Anons here claim, wouldn't he really be happy that Iran was targeted by Q????
They are, after all the biggest threat to Israel, aren't they?
Really scratching muh head on all this.