Anonymous ID: 9cd191 Jan. 14, 2021, 5:41 p.m. No.12525234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

these liberal progressives love their black masters

it is gross

they elevated the black female voice to the top of their socio-political hierarchy but refuse to acknowledge they have established a new hierarchy.

I am being a responsible person.

I am looking seven generations ahead.

I am realizing that the power in party, or taking power, the progressives, are systematically silence the while male.

It is intentional.

They will tell you that is what they are doing.

Within these 7 generations, there will be a turn-around and whites will become the minority.

I don't think these progressives have thought much about the establishment of their new hierarchy.

They are too busy trying to get rid of the old one still.

But that doesn't make the right.

They have no plan to uninstall their black bigoted matriarch.

The system of historical oppressor and oppressed in going to end?

When is it appropriate to prepare for the reversal of the structures.

When does the black master become dominant and abusive?

How are cycles of abuse, cycles of oppression relevant?

Are progressives being careful to not do to others what was done to them.

I think the answer is no.

It is just crush the patriarchy.

If they ever talked about balance in the future or acknowledging the inherent privilege of being the loudest voice in the room.

If the progressives are going to install some new oppression point hierarchy and push their political system for the next 50 years.

Yes, I will be preparing a white ethnostate to raise my nice christian family in while you idiots fuck each other and do drugs in the name spirituality.