Fuck off debbie
Lest we forget the god-tier shit posting?
Throwing around the lingo well… screencap this nigger and tell David you need another .25/hr
When you have planted judges and enough money, you can write the (((laws))). Come back in a year and let me know if still on the books
Fuck em ALL. Give the patriots 48 hours to leave n glass the rest
Just thinking about how the (((history))) books would be written. Something to effect of ‘the second civil war was fought over racism towards illegal wetbacks’ just like how civil war was fought over slavery
I r8 14/88 b8 m8
Yes, for YEARS I’ve been shouting to anybody that will listen that the blacks voting Dem has held them back. But yeah of course got the (((racist))) label. 50+ years voting Dem and literally living in 3rd world shitholes, but yeah it’s duh Whiteman brah
>should be final straw
Ftfy /faggot/. The ONLY way this will Be final straw is with a push from the black community. As long as it comes from trump or anybody associated w Trump it will be dismissed. Gotta find a woke black that hasn’t been labeled an Uncle Tom to push this
>trips confirm
No no. Missing the point. I may be wrong, but where that info is stored does not have a usb thumb drive on it. The info should be impossible to smuggle out.
Fuck you glowing nigger. You obviously don’t understand what is habbening here
Not familiar with them. Therefore not familiar with their public (((perception))). But no doubt it’s a start. I personally think /ourguy/ needs to be a public figure/ idol the black community can rally behind
>here since first thread blah blah blah
>doesn’t check new q posts
Congrats boomer you have been wandering aimlessly for 4 months doing nothing more than dickride. Sage this faggot
>Bretty easy after many years m8
So still a /newfag/
It IS if pushed right m8. The peanuts these niggers get isn’t enough to live on. Also start memeing the fuck out of lack of safety in dem strongholds (ie murder rate in Chicago)