Tanks Anons
Rift was always Kayfabe
Makes it easier to be a backstabbing traitor that way
>Only way anything gets declassified is if Trump has Flynn sit in a corner of the Oval Office scanning and uploading it all
Imagine being so stupid and out of step as to not know about digital documents.
>The most popular presidential candidate of all time needs to hide behind an army for his inauguration.
Worried about over excited groupies
>Is Biden expecting a kindergarten fieldtrip during the inauguration?
His staff promises him that for all public outings.
It's the only thing that gets him out of the basement
>Really? Because he sure is in a lot of Epstein pics. (And he did have him killed.)
Sauce it. The 6 society page pics from the 90's don't count
CNN also aired footage "proving" Trump said Nazis were good guys.
>Yeah, who's coming, the fucking Luftwaffe?
Cheney can't order Andrews AFB to stand down anymore.
If the mighty Chet Powell says it, it must be true. Pantifa/BLM/Dems/DeepState never lie
It's razor wire.
>We've all seen them, you dope.
Great sauce dipshit.
BTFO'd and feigning arrogance.
Typical gas lighting shill.
Fuck off