Anonymous ID: c829cf Jan. 14, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.12528852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9059 >>9087

Here’s another theory of how it plays out


The moment Biden/Harris are inaugurated, the sting is complete. It has to be taken to that point since they could concede at any time up until that point. But they won’t. So, our dear POTUS DJT takes the ultimate sling and arrow to follow through by allowing the inauguration to happen.

At that moment, as soon as the swearing in happens, the US Military following their OATH to protect the Constitution for the united states (not the US corp) intervenes and arrests DJT, Pence, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, McConnell, etc all of them.


Because at that point, they have ALL committed treason against the Constitution of the United States (US Corp). All hell breaks loose in DC and elsewhere, triggering media blackout, followed by GIANT VOICE and Emergency Messaging systems. NG are awake.


First Unsealed Indictment (and mass pop awakening) is against DJT for allowing the US to be turned over to treasonous traitors (Biden, etc)

And 200,000 more indictments and arrests follow…Military Tribunals commence. Massive worldwide corruption , pedophilia and things beyond the imagination of many is exposed. Charges are dropped against DJT (and Pence?) because evidence shows that he/they were setting the sting. What makes a good movie? Good actors!


He loves us. He loves the United States. He loves the flag. He never gives up. He has bigger balls than John Hancock and would lay down his life this country and WE THE PEOPLE. I stand with DJT.


US Corporation dissolves. Gold destroys the Fed. The original 13th amendment is reinstated into the Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE demand that it be followed since it was ratified and improperly removed from the Constitution in 1871 when the US Corp was formed. It says ““If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”


Trump Supreme Court case shows MASSIVE Evidence of election and vote fraud. Military holds new election with voter ID for the REPUBLIC.

Trump v2 commences for as many terms as we vote him in. VP possibilities: Pence, Flynn, Pompeo, JFK JR (kek)


4-6% lost forever and can never reconcile REEEEEEEEEEEE = suicide weekend


Movie Sequel 1 - WWG1WGA the rest of the world learns and proceeds to overthrow the Rothschild [P] etc cabal bankers corruption worldwide

Final Sequel - Saving Israel for Last

Anonymous ID: c829cf Jan. 14, 2021, 10:26 p.m. No.12528968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by RACE.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.