tl;dr. latenight spam rant.
i don't even know what i wrote, but it is not something i see floating around here all the time.
I am gonna convince all the rednecks that the green new deal sucks and renewable energy is cool because.. uh… why wouldn't you use energy that is limitless and doesn't need to be extracted? Anyway, job this job that. There will be solar installation and wind mill jobs. I kinda know a guy that does windmill repair, apparently it pays really well.
I wouldn't go with that joe biden green new deal shit cause it has stupid solutions to problems that don't exist.
I am afraid he is just gonna collect all the money for the green new deal and then buy all the solar panels from china.
It doesn't America.
It is a load of shit.
I am going to tell you exactly how to do it right. in a minute.
I don't care about global warming or cooling.
I don't think it is super good to pump all that crap into the air. Look at China.
Uh, maybe not dump shit in the rivers and stuff. I don't know.
It is common sense.
but someone told all the rednecks they were gonna lose their jobs and some crap about a BULLSHIT ARGUMENT that doesn't matter at all in the whole scheme of things.
People argue about warming or not warming. It doesn't matter. Don't dump a bunch of crap in the air I gotta breathe.
Truth is, in my opinion. The chinese pollution is American pollution. A consumer is a producer. The American consumer drives the production in China. I know America has clean air. Just sayin.
and people argue about whether or not the climate change is being caused by human activity.
who fucking cares. just don't do it.
cause it is common sense not to
why wouldn't you just use the free shit you don't have to ship a bunch of oil around the world.
liberals are crazy though
they wanna get rid of cars and planes and all this shit
like someone just needs to get in there and do a couple common sense major moves to correct the global pollution, not necessarily the american pollution issue
but in some respects, since a bunch of that chinese pollution is american product, it is sort of our pollution but it is over in china.
The loss of jobs in energy industry is just political rhetoric.
I am sure a few.
under the democrat plan, maybe cause they wanna ban all this stuff across the board etc.
it is just a fear rhetoric.