You must be a kike.
Just shut CA down. Fuck all this tit for tat bullshit. Get these illegals out of here. Fuck the sleeper Antifa waiting for a tweet to hit the streets.
Buckle up for Spic-o de Mayo! I bet the Mexicans of our nation will rally down to the borders which will act as a smoke screen for illegals to storm our beaches like Normandy. I don't trust the fact that they're here man. Soros even paid for an app to be designed that will give them scripts to say when captured. I wonder who supplied the phones…like (((they))) supplied the tents, clothes, food, and everything else they don't want to give to homeless veterans. Fuck Soros and the other faggots. I bet Disney pays for this too like they do Planned Parenthood.
It's different lad. Get ready.