Anonymous ID: 7c18fa April 30, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1253923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3999


Seems sensible. Unless bibi has flipped, he can't be trusted.


That being said, I do trust Q, Trump and team, 2018 IS going to be glorious and they do know better than any of us.


I did shitposted rather hard earlier because the muh joos shills shills were getting rather cocky, they still don't understand that people aren't going to forget that Israeli deep state must pay for 9/11 and USS Liberty, and that jewish nepotism is a issue that needs to be fixed (peacefully off course), so I gave them a lot of shit for a bit.


Any way, still trusting the plan, as always, this shit has been planned for almost 20 years, Trump and team do know better and our job is to calm people down.

Anonymous ID: 7c18fa April 30, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1254024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4111


The way I see it, they are a necessary part of the puzzle.

They can step on their own dick a bit, but as long as they are not being subversive willingly, I am willing to not mind.


My plan for helping the cause is to get as much info here as I can, and then, when the hammer drops, try to prevent people from freaking out.


Yes, I DO want to see the Israeli deep state pay for their kikery, and I do insist on presenting the raw kikery of the Israeli deep state to the normies, but I make a point of saying there ARE good jews (as it is obvious).


I think its all about each of us finding our own role in this, and if your heart is pure, you'll end up contributing in a positive way.

Anonymous ID: 7c18fa April 30, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.1254079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4087 >>4102 >>4114


Anon, if I told you that this operation has saved me from falling down into a spiral of immorality and spiritual corruption would you believe me?


Power corrupts, and moral guidelines are always needed, and this, the hope, the example of patriots making what is right because it is what is right, and sacrificing themselves for it, it saved me. This quite literally saved my soul, and all the skills I acquired while acting like a not completely moral person have now been put to use in name of a greater good.


We all need meaning in our lives, and God bless the selfless patriots like Trump and team, and all the operators and anons to show me that being good is worth it and it makes an impact.