Liberals been telling me that I traded my whiteness for democracy.
Telling me that I am racist cause I want trump to drain the swamp of criminals.
It is fucking hilarious.
Cause they will say I was radicalized on the inter-webs by neo-nazi literature.
But I have never read any neo-nazi literature.
My liberal mother said I was a supporter of white nationalists. I told her I didn't think that was a thing that existed. I got into the etymology of it all and learned a bunch of stuff.
I didn't ever have a "white identity"
I guess I know I am "white" and that gives me a special status in society.
But would have laughed at you if you told me I would be sitting here doing this
I really don't care what these people say anymore.
If they are going to trample on my dignity and rights as a white male because other white males built a racist system I benefited from, they can fuck themselves honestly.
Benefactors of a system, are not oppressors, and I sure as hell don't feel responsible for upholding the system.
I spent my life trying to take it down.
Until the progressives became bigots and nobody corrected the new kids for treating me different cause I was the white male.
I think they are right.
My whiteness is threatened.
But legitimately so.
Yes. You are telling me that I have a special place in your social hierarchy. It is on the bottom. It is based on my genetics.
I don't want my children to be victims of a system that targets their genetics.
You can tell me all day you don't want to be a target of "my system", but I don't have a system. I am a schizophrenic with a keyboard and big mouth.
But. I got to thinking about it. I got mad at someone else. It is fucking hilarious though. Because these liberals think the internet is convincing me to join the "neo-nazi" dark side, but the liberals in my life are actually driving me towards positions to protect my race.
Yes. Do not place the white race at the bottom of your social hierarchy. It will get rid of the white patriarchy. It will replace it with a black matriarchy.
My children will likely be white. I don't want them to live under the ruling class of black masters.
I was able to identify that I was not mad at the white progressive anymore.
Now I hate the black people, cause they are the ones in charge of these progressive communities.
The fucking niggers are stealing my oppression points and trying to force me into a social hierarchy which will ultimately oppress me on some inter-generational basis.
The black women, the ones with the "most important" voice in the progressive community, doesn't want to use their voice to raise the voice of the voiceless.
The black woman chooses to launch BLM and reparations for descendants of slaves.
If you are a progressive black leader advocating for reparations. I might consider that a bias choice in favor of your own race.
The same as college kids supporting debt forgiveness on student loans. It is a bit bias to think that is some sort of human right to get free university education that you agreed to pay for.
I dont trust black female progressive leadership. It is already disrespectful and bigoted toward the white male for shit they didn't do. The black female in progressive communities allows the white male to be victimized as some sort of martyr or representative of all the white males.
I aint joking. These progressive black females are so entitled to their social authority over me.
I just wanna know.
Why do these black females who are leading around all the progressive white liberals. Why do they choose all black causes?
The liberals say the earth is on fire and we are in the middle of an environmental crisis. But instead of the black matriarchy focusing on the crisis of the human species.
They use there voice to tell the liberals to stand on the sidewalk with cardboard signs so that cops don't kill black people anymore.