KASHyap PATEL - name to remember
Nobody knows everything. Have patience, fren : )
People are here and searching for answers and DAT IS A GOOD TING! The more there are, the better!
But the real problem is: How to deal with someone who absolutely has no fucking idea at all, is totally confused right now and is asking "What is going on?"
I still wonder where to start and how to start…
Any ideas?
Not talking about me, but about other people that want to know and know nothing at all but are wondering… How can I start? It's a mess…
Thank you very much : )
It's not for me. It's for other people that are waking up (and above all in Europe - I am a European too).
I simply don't know how and where to start telling them everything without scaring them. Maybe I should just let them ask questions and give them a little bit to make them ask more questions or sth. ..