Anonymous ID: 631aa1 April 30, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.1254336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Be nice to have that treasure trove, before she deleted it. kek



Anonymous ID: 631aa1 April 30, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.1254559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4635




He was a Bernie supporter, who saw the cheating, rigging, the injustice. The dems were cheating and rigging primary against the people.


Many people on the left, are good honest people, whoc do believe in right and wrong. They were manipulated by the people in charge. Those people were dividing people.


Only 4-6% are lost forever.


We will be United by 11/11.

We need to stop the labels and divisions they imposed.



Bernie woke alot of people up. About big banks, corporations, Monsanto, TPP, ( clinton corruption, and corruption of DNC)

They knew as soon as they heard about Seth Rich, that Hillary and the DNC had something to do with.

Part of why Trump won, was because the people the dems cheated in the primary, left the party, and voted for someone else.


Most people are good, and when they see the truth,, ( the dems will be HISTORY)

They will not follow those people, when they find out how evil and corrupt they really are.

And it was on both sides, red and blue,